RHOBH Recap: Denise Lashes Out At Erika While Slurring Her Words And Sutton Reveals Drama With Kathy, Plus Kim Richards Makes Cameo And Gives Kyle Advice Amid Issues With Kathy

Seems like what Kyle always gave in seasons past is finally coming back to her. Now that Sutton is poking and prodding in her marriage, Kyle can’t quite stand the heat on this episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. The THC isn’t helping matters at the weed dinner, and Denise slurs out her issues with a very confused Erika. And when one Richards sister returns as the voice of reason, we realize just how dire the situation is with Kyle and her relationships with her husband and siblings.

The weed dinner continues, and so do the questions. Why does Kyle have a different ring on? Why would Garcelle assume it was a make-up ring? Kyle is livid that they are insinuating Mauricio cheated, and she becomes emotional, stating that she cannot afford to be depressed right now, which leaves much up to the imagination. Sutton apologizes for the way she acted toward Kyle at her house, but she reminds Kyle that she had a lot going on at the moment (so T.Swift of her). Sutton also apologizes for the way Kyle acted, which is equal parts hilarious and infuriating to Kyle.

When the tension is too thick, the conversation shifts back to Garcelle and how she thought she won the “lotto in husbands.” She had no idea her ex-husband was cheating, hence her surprise at the above-mentioned make-up gifts she received time and time again. Garcelle reminds everyone that life continues after divorce, which causes Erika to agree and give her input.

Erika claims she doesn’t care if her next man is rich or poor (RIGHT), and she just wants a love affair, not an arrangement. And we all know there was no love affair between her and Tom…

Dorit asks Denise how it feels to be amongst the group again, which is a loaded question, and it gives Denise the opportunity to air her issues with Erika. She slur-asks Erika why she treated her one way when they first met only to treat her differently down the road. An utterly confused Erika asks Denise to explain, and because Denise is having a hard time stringing ANY thoughts together now, can only get out, “You know what I’m talking about.” No one can be sure what Denise is saying… or what she took. You know it’s bad when the chefs notice how messed up Denise is.

Maybe Erika is taking advantage of Denise’s current state, or maybe Erika really isn’t following Denise’s accusations, but that doesn’t stop Denise. Denise tells Erika to go watch all the past shows (which would be incredibly time-consuming for Erika Jayne, a woman desperate to get her performing career back), and then she can see exactly what Denise is referring to. I am not even 100% sure Denise knows what she is talking about, but all I am saying is thank goodness Erika is calm Erika this season — because otherwise, Denise would have been roasted and toasted.

During this confusing accusatory session, Sutton whips a joint out of her purse and proceeds to smoke it right at the table. Sutton is full of surprises considering she could not handle the men at Magic Mike, and yet here she is openly smoking ganja.

No one can understand what is going on with Denise (Denise included), and she pulls Kyle aside and calls Erika every name under the sun. Denise is HEATED… and also having a hard time articulating herself. The icing on the cake is when her jacket is on upside down. Dorit tries to help her, but Denise gets defensive and angry. Leave it to production to rewind and show us the footage proving that, alas, the coat is on upside down. Thankfully, Denise exits the party, but she leaves a trail of confusion behind her.

As the night goes on, the ladies try and piece the puzzle together. What was happening with Denise? Why are Sutton and Kyle fighting? Dorit lets Kyle know that Sutton is claiming Kyle is in denial about something, and of course, Kyle asks Sutton what she meant about that comment. Sutton doesn’t deny saying this, and Kyle claims Sutton is trying to gaslight her. Kyle thinks that Sutton knows something, which kind of shows that Kyle IS in fact in denial about something… no?

Finally, Kyle admits, “I didn’t say there was nothing going on.” Aha, Kyle. See? Who is the one dancing around this situation? Kyle points out that Sutton has problems, which is a way for Kyle to get the target off her back. She proceeds to dismiss Sutton’s health issues, and here we go again. Kyle, supposedly Sutton’s friend, is calling her out on her HEALTH problems… that, btw, Sutton is not hiding.

In defense, Sutton blurts out, “You already lost two sisters. Do you want to lose a third?” Somehow, this fight turns into something about Kathy. Because Sutton sympathized with Kyle when Kathy got mad at her, Kyle now feels like Sutton is trying to kiss Kathy’s a*s to get back in her good graces. Many people fear Kathy because of her social standing, but Sutton reminds the group that she has always been friends with Kathy. Things are awkward, and after a beat, the group decides it is time to leave, but not before Erika runs to Kyle’s side.

Kyle (literally) runs over to Annemarie’s house for a pickleball game because they’re neighbors. Kyle has clicked with her, and they have a lot of things in common. We learn that Annemarie has always been competitive and athletic, and so the fact that she is married to an NFL football player makes perfect sense. Kyle chats with Annemarie, and she wonders why Sutton would come for her marriage. Annemarie, an anesthesiologist, jokes about Sutton’s “small esophagus” issues and wonders how that could be a thing.

Meanwhile, Crystal, Garcelle, Sutton, and the guest of honor, Denise, get together, and this time, Denise looks refreshed and put together, and her jacket is not on upside down. They laugh about Kyle picking on Sutton’s drinking when Kyle was the one doing splits and ponytail swings; however, Crystal lets Sutton know that throwing the sisters into the mix was a low blow.

The ladies giggle about what happened with Denise and Erika. It turns out Denise was still beefing about the threesome conversation from years ago that Erika had in front of Denise’s children. Kinda interesting considering Denise is offended about that when she is on OnlyFans, but I digress.

Dorit and PK sit down and discuss what is going on with Kyle and Mo. PK feels like Mauricio is very busy at work, and something is not right at their home. Speaking of homes, Dorit is dead set on her children continuing to homeschool. PK knows that school is important for socialization purposes and that school days are the best days. According to Dorit, when PK travels, he doesn’t know what is happening with the kids, and keeping them at home is best. PK disagrees, and although he realizes that Dorit has been through traumatic things, Dorit feels like PK still doesn’t understand the gravity of what she went through during the home invasion.

Erika meets up with Mikey, her creative director. They discuss trying to get Erika’s performing career back on track, and there is talk about a possible residency in Las Vegas. This sounds like a dream come true for Erika! She can attend all the Magic Mike shows she wants!

Dorit and Kyle get together for a workout, but not before they talk about the Sutton situation. Dorit claims she couldn’t understand what Sutton was insinuating, but Kyle knew where Sutton was heading with that convo. We are then given a real treat when Kim returns to our screens. Kim has not been out often since the lockdown, and she has used that time to better herself. Kim and Kyle are in a good place, and Kim gets emotional talking about how life is too short to fight. Dorit stands by as an awkward third wheel while the sisters hug. Kim believes that both Kyle and Kathy could have done something different, and everything is a lesson. Kyle knows she is losing time with her family, especially now that the fam is growing with babies, etc. Since when did Kim become the voice of reason??