Mafs: Why I Think Michael Shiakallis Should Say No To Chloe Brown On Decision Day (His Hesitations Explained)

Married At First Sight season 17’s Michael Shiakallis and Chloe Brown have been doing well in their marriage, but the most recent episode of the series made it clear that Michael should say no to Chloe on Decision Day. Michael’s MAFS experience has been historic, as his time on the series has seen more than one relationship. The experts matched Michael with someone else initially, but his first wedding didn’t wind up happening when his original bride shockingly left him at the altar. Michael left Married At First Sight season 17 to lick his wounds, but his journey wasn’t over.

Michael reconnected with the experts, who reached out to see if they could do right by him and find him another match. While Michael wasn’t sure he was ready, he decided that he wanted to give MAFS another try and chose to go into a second marriage sight unseen. Michael and Chloe’s priorities surrounding marriage aligned, especially after his had changed when he was left at the altar. The couple was married three-quarters of the way through Married At First Sight season 17, but things haven’t been easy for Michael and Chloe as they grow even closer to Decision Day.

Michael & Chloe’s Journey
They’ve Had An Interesting Marriage

While Michael and Chloe’s relationship could’ve been impacted by the fact that he’d been prepared to enter into another relationship earlier in the season, the couple hasn’t had many issues surrounding their interest or commitment to one another. Michael, who’s known for his eccentric personality, has been accepting of Chloe, and she’s returned the sentiment. The couple have been able to welcome each other into their lives, but it hasn’t been entirely happy throughout their marriage so far. While Chloe and Michael’s differences are minimal, the things they appear to disagree on are large, and in some circumstances, quite troubling.

After coming together and bonding in their relationship, Michael and Chloe have both had difficulty opening up to each other about the intricacies of their lives and the way they feel about their connection. Though both value open communication and have tried to be as serious with each other as possible when it comes to the issues they’re facing, Chloe has had moments where she’s not able to be fully honest with Michael, and vice versa. In a recent session with Dr. Pia Holec, the couple discussed why exactly Michael’s mother wasn’t aware of their marriage, which invalidated Chloe’s feelings.

Michael & Chloe Are People Pleasers Accused Of Being Inauthentic
It Was Revealed They Weren’t On The Same Page

During their therapy session with Dr. Pia, Micheal and Chloe talked through some of the issues they’re feeling in their relationship. Spurred on by the Married At First Sight expert, Michael explained that he didn’t feel comfortable sharing his marriage with his mother after her reaction to his original MAFS wedding being called off. When Michael’s original bride left him at the altar, Micheal’s mother shared she felt relieved that he wouldn’t be participating in the series, which left him uncertain about sharing more details surrounding Chloe. Chloe was hurt by his deception, explaining it made their relationship feel inauthentic.

Though the couple eventually came to agree that it didn’t make sense to involve Micheal’s family until they made a final decision regarding their relationship, the fact that Micheal felt he had to please his mother was a bad sign for Chloe. A people pleaser herself, Chloe felt compelled not to share her disappointment with Micheal, which she understood could ultimately just create widespread issues in their relationship overall. Though the couple touched base about the issue and wanted to make space for each other, Michael and Chloe had a hard time moving forward after dealing with something so delicate.

Michael & Chloe Would Have A Complicated Post-Decision Day Life
They Aren’t Agreeing About Living Situations

The couple are also dealing with struggles surrounding their life after Married At First Sight season 17. In the most recent episode of the series, Michael and Chloe discussed where they were going to live after the experiment if they both chose to stay married on Decision Day. While both shared they were hopeful for their marriage to continue, the issue of living space made things more complicated. With five pets between them, Michael shared that he wasn’t sure they were going to be able to find something with the amount of space they needed to house everyone in time

While Micheal was clear that he wasn’t suggesting this forever, he asked Chloe how she felt about the idea of living separately for a time after Decision Day to ensure they found a living space that fit their budget and their needs. Though Chloe didn’t want to compromise about her animals or Michael’s, she wasn’t happy about the idea of them having to live apart from one another for an extended period of time. While Michael continually tried to reassure her that he wasn’t planning on it being a long stretch of time apart, Chloe’s pushback made things somewhat difficult.

Michael Will Only Say Yes If He’s Totally Sure
He Doesn’t Want To Take The Decision Lightly

While Michael has been fairly certain about staying with Chloe after Decision Day throughout the season, he began to have doubts in the most recent episode of Married At First Sight season 17. After a night out with the guys from the season, Michael shared with Chloe that he wasn’t sure if he was truly ready for marriage. He explained that though he had strong feelings for her and enjoyed their relationship, sometimes being part of their marriage left him feeling emotionally drained. He wasn’t sure that was how he should feel with his wife, which created some serious doubt.

While Chloe took Michael’s honesty in stride, she was stunned by the revelation. She explained that she wasn’t fully processing what he was saying, but she was thankful to see him being honest with her about how he was feeling. Chloe is ready for the relationship she and Michael have been envisioning, but if he has even a bit of doubt, he won’t wind up agreeing to stay married on Decision Day. Though Michael has love for Chloe, he should say no on Decision Day with the hesitation he’s feeling and the issues that are pushing him away from her.