Look Around: A New Man For Heather Stevens On Y&R

Phyllis may want to reunite her son with Heather Stevens on The Young and the Restless, but Daniel and Heather both act like they think it’s a terrible idea. They’re just going to be co-parents for Lucy, and that’s it. So, while Daniel is off with Lily, we don’t want Heather alone. Here are three candidates who can sweep her off her feet and get her saying, “Daniel, who?”

Heather Stevens: At Loose Ends

Heather (Vail Bloom) doesn’t have much purpose in Genoa City these days. Neither does Billy (Jason Thompson). Nominal love interest Chelsea (Melissa Claire Egan) is off coddling her son, which will always be her first priority.

Billy changes his opinion regarding how he feels about Jack (Peter Bergman), Ashley (Eileen Davidson), and Diane (Susan Walters) on the daily. His kids are off at boarding school, and their mother, Victoria (Amelia Heinle), has a much hotter man in her bed at the moment. Billy has nothing better to do. Neither does Heather. It’s a match made in boredom!

Young and the Restless: Revenge Riot

Heather isn’t thrilled with Christine (Lauralee Bell) at the moment. Not only is Christine’s marriage to Heather’s dad, Paul (Doug Davidson), over, but Christine dared to prosecute Heather’s client, Phyllis (Michelle Stafford), for the minor crime of breaking the law. How petty! Heather could get back at Christine by starting to date Christine’s ex-husband, Danny (Michael Damian). Who also happens to be Daniel’s father. That’s a lot of revenge for one fling.

Heather Stevens: Going Bad

And then there’s Tucker (Trevor St. John). Something is going on with him and Ashley. Something he might soon need a lawyer for. Heather is a lawyer. They could start a professional relationship, which could turn into a personal relationship. Which could give Heather a power base she never dreamed of. One that she might enjoy having. Do any of these choices work for you?