Y&R Spoilers Speculation: Nick And Sally Make Baby Talk

Y&R spoilers opened a door viewers never expected when they floated the idea of Nick and Sally having a child together. It was one thing when Nick mumbled something about being a “bonus dad” to little Ava, but now that she’s gone, we figured so was his version of a reluctant commitment. Has he changed his mind? Does he not have enough children already? Will Nick end up having a baby with Sally, too?

Y&R Spoilers Speculation: Best In Show

Nick (Joshua Morrow) is used to winning in his Who’s the Daddy challenges. He proved to be Summer’s (Allison Lanier) father – versus Jack (Peter Bergman), and Faith’s (Reylynn Caster) – again, versus Jack. The only ones he lost were Christian and Ava – to Adam (Mark Grossman). However, Nick did end up raising Christian (allegedly; has anyone seen the boy in months?) and he was going to raise Ava. So we can see how he still sees himself as the winner there, too.

Blast From Y&R Past

If history repeats itself, we can see Nick having no doubts that he’s the father of Sally’s (Courtney Hope) next child. The baby certainly wouldn’t be Jack’s. But the odds are good it could still turn out to be Adam’s. Sure, Sally keeps saying they’re over. But the more she says it, the more we can’t help suspecting that she is doth protesting too much. There is still a pull there. A pull that could end up back in bed.

Y&R Spoilers: Not Yet

But even that possibility is a long way down the road. Sally is nowhere near ready to get pregnant again, much less risk her heart like that. She may have thought she was just shocked when Nick suggested they should have a child. And she was shocked. But she was mostly aghast. Because she knows the child she truly wants to have is Adam’s.