Y&R Spoilers Speculation: Elena Brings Down Nate Hastings

Y&R spoilers want viewers to think that nothing can stop Nate from clawing his way to the top of Newman Enterprises, using Victoria to do it. But he, and we, almost forgot about Elena. She is a woman scorned. And she is not about to take that position sitting down.

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Sure, Elena (Brytni Sarpy) doesn’t, theoretically, have a moral high hose to climb up on. Yes, she walked in on her boyfriend, Nate (Sean Dominic), in bed with Victoria (Amelia Heinle). But, considering that Elena cheated on Nate with Devon (Bryton James) – and on Devon with Nate – there is something to be said about pots and kettles, and calling each other names. So, Elena is not innocent. But that’s what makes her turn to the dark side even more likely.

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Elena wants to scorch some earth. And she’s got the wrath and the experience to do it. It would be easiest for Elena to go after Victoria. Heck, how hard would it be for her to set it up so that now Victoria walks in on Nate with Elena? But that would be easy. And boring. And predictable. Elena is feeling up for some fun.

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Elena also has some potential co-conspirators. Devon and Lily (Christel Khalil) are just as mad at Nate as Elena is. They could help her dig up some dirt. Hey, remember when Nate first came to Genoa City, all sad about a fiancee he couldn’t save? Let’s dig in and see what really happened there.

And, if that doesn’t work, then Elena can always turn to Nikki (Melody Thomas Scott). Nikki wants Nate away from Victoria. And Nikki has underhanded tricks Elena can only dream of. These two women will make sure Nate suffers…and that he knows exactly why.