Young And The Restless Spoilers June 21: Happy 30Th, Nick Newman

The Young and the Restless spoilers for Friday, June 21, celebrate thirty years of Joshua Morrow (check out his recent adventure) in the role of Nicholas Newman, from his days at Genoa City High School to a young executive to a devoted dad — and all the women along the way.

Firstborn Son

By the time Nicholas was born to Nikki (Melody Thomas Scott) and Victor (Eric Braeden) Newman, his father knew he wasn’t the biological father of Cole Howard (J. Eddie Peck), so, yay, Nick was Victor’s first-born son. That made him special and important.

Victor more or less ignored Nick while he was a tow-headed child, but once Nick returned from boarding school all strapping and manly, Victor assumed responsibility for molding and shaping his boy into a carbon copy of himself — what could be better? Will Nick tell Faith (Reylynn Castor) about this part of his life, or will he focus on his romance with her mom, Sharon (Sharon Case), instead?

More Than One

And if Nick focuses on telling Faith about his love affair with Sharon, will he mention all the…breaks they took? After all, Nick does have another daughter, Summer (Allison Lanier), with Phyllis (Michelle Stafford) — which Morrow discussed with Soap Hub. And son, Christian, with the late Sage. (Yes, we know Christian is not Nick’s biological child, but Nick was married to Sage, and he’s raising Christina as his own.)

Will Nick talk about all his little digressions? And will that naturally lead to him and Sharon telling Faith that she was conceived while both Sharon and Nick were with other people?

The First Generation

And while we’re talking about Nick and Sharon, will we recall how violently against the relationship Victor and Nikki were? Not just because teenage Nick was sleeping with a girl his parents thought was beneath him, not just because he married when she got pregnant when Victor and Nikki were convinced she’d trapped him, but simply because they don’t like her. Period.

These loving parents were even smirking all through Nick and Sharon’s last attempt at a wedding and taking bets on it never coming off. Grandma and Grandpa are so sweet!