Young And Restless Spoilers August 23: Chelsea Babbles, Adam Denies

The Young and the Restless spoilers for Friday, August 23, completely forget that Chelsea lived for decades as a con artist who lied for a living, whether it was raping Billy or trying to kill Rey. But now, she can’t live with her secret about sleeping with Adam. She doesn’t care who it will hurt. She’s coming clean!

Listen Up, World

We understand that Chelsea (Melissa Claire Egan) is worried about Connor (Judah Mackey). And we understand that Connor constantly needs every bit of energy focused on him. But, still, how hard can it be just to forget that she slept with Adam (Mark Grossman)? They’ve had sex hundreds of times. Just put that last one into the past and keep moving forward.

Yeah, Billy (Jason Thompson) is pressuring her. But she’s manipulated him before. She can certainly manipulate him again. On the other hand, Adam is begging her to keep quiet. Wouldn’t appeasing Connor’s father be more important — and better for Connor — than blowing up their current status quo?

You Never Saw It, You Never Heard It

Sally (Courtney Hope) is pressuring Adam, too, but he’s holding his ground. This is how you psychopath, Chelsea! You commit to the bit!

Even when Chelsea comes clean, Adam can keep denying it. Hey, Chelsea has been in and out of mental hospitals. Maybe she imagined the whole thing? Adam isn’t going down without a fight, no matter who he has to fight.

Angel of Music

And speaking of women teetering on the edge of sanity, Sharon (Sharon Case) still has voices in her head. Not the kind that tells you right from wrong. Not even the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other.

But the kind that comes in the form of a hallucination of the man you killed, complete with blood, bruises, and bravado. Yeah, Sharon is talking to Cameron (Linden Ashby) again. And he’s talking back, telling her how awful she is. This isn’t going to end well. Or go well. Already.