Young And Restless Spoilers August 16: Victor Calls Out Kyle And Audra

The Young and the Restless spoilers for Friday, August 16, prove that when Victor says he’s going to give his employees free rein to run their business, he means…the exact opposite.

Missed Connections

Victor (Eric Braeden) doesn’t want anyone to know that he’s the one who bought Glissade. He put Audra (Zulyika Silver) and Kyle (Michael Mealor) in charge and wants there to be NO KNOWN CONNECTION BETWEEN THEM. Except for all the conversations they’ve had about it in public places. Except for the part where they will run the company exactly as Victor wants it to. (And except where Adam [Mark Grossman] will constantly use Newman Media to attack Glissade’s competitor. Subtle, Vic. So, so subtle.)

Kyle and Audra have been doing their best to meet Victor’s standards. It hasn’t been enough. Victor wants to chat with them about being more like him. So no one will see his fingerprints all over it. He is such a business mastermind!

When Push Comes To Shove

Billy (Jason Thompson) thinks that Chelsea (Melissa Claire Egan) is lying about what happened between her and Adam when they visited Connor (Judah Mackey) in Maryland. Billy wants Chelsea to tell him the truth. So he keeps asking her and asking her and asking her.

It’s a sign of his love for her. Does Chelsea not realize it? Boy, what is she, crazy or something? Billy is going to keep gaslighting her until she sees things his way!

Let It Be

On the other hand, Sally (Courtney Hope) doesn’t want to know what happened between Adam and Chelsea when they visited Connor in Maryland. Because she’s not dumb. Things are going more or less OK between them. Why rock the boat?

Adam is happy to go with that. Don’t ask, don’t tell, don’t ruin your relationship. We know it won’t last. But it’s nice to pretend.