Why Susan Banks Being Alive On Days Of Our Lives Isn’T A Blanket Excuse

Don’t get us wrong, we’re happy to see Susan Banks back on Days of our Lives. If for no other reason than it’s nice to see EJ’s joy at the development. But we’re a little confused about why everyone — save EJ — is acting like Susan being alive is a Get Out of Jail card for everything that came beforehand.

Susan Banks: Dumb Luck

Susan (Stacey Haiduk) is alive. But she could have just as easily ended up dead. It was pure serendipity that kept her from bursting into flames or getting smashed against the rocks, or any of those things that would happen in a town where physics — what’s the word we’re looking for? — works and isn’t part of the Looney Tunes universe.

Days of our Lives: Lead Up

Whether Susan is alive or dead does not negate that Xander (Paul Telfer) kidnapped her. Or that it was on Ava’s (Tamara Braun) orders. Or that Ava is the one who snatched the terrified, shrieking woman and drove recklessly with her until they both ended up making like Thelma and Louise, only not on purpose. In what universe (even Looney Tunes wouldn’t go there) does Susan’s managing to survive a kidnapping and hijacking nullify that the kidnapping and hijacking happened in the first place?

DAYS: Full Extent of the Law

Sure, Susan has decided not to press charges against Xander and Ava. But that’s not how the law works. That’s why, in criminal cases, it’s not Susan Banks v. Xander and Ava but The People v. Xander and Ava. Since murder victims are rarely around to press charges, charges are, by necessity, pressed by the state.

Even Susan refusing to testify against Xander and Ava isn’t relevant anymore since she’s confided her story in enough people — including upstanding citizens like Marlena (Deidre Hall) and Sarah (Linsey Godfrey) — that her testimony isn’t vital. EJ promised he wouldn’t harm Ava or Xander. But he didn’t say he’d stop the law from doing it.