Watch Your Back: Is Kate Roberts Brady In Danger On Days Of Our Lives?

Kate Roberts Brady is not a woman prone to good luck on Days of our Lives. She’s been married to an abuser. She’s been presumed dead. She keeps ending up on ships scaling fish.

Days of our Lives Polling

And she’s recently clawed her way out of an early grave. So now that her plan to bring down Megan (Miranda Wilson) has been kiboshed, should Kate (Lauren Koslow) be watching her back?

Kate Roberts Brady: Megan Doesn’t Care

Megan has a lot more important things on her mind right now than Kate, 3% of you dismiss. She’s got EJ (Dan Feuerriegel) and Kristen (Stacy Haiduk) locked up in the basement, a son to marry off, and a Harris (Steve Burton) to brainwash. Why waste her time on some pub owner’s wife?

DAYS: Never Not Be Afraid

It’s not just Megan, 41% of the audience would like to point out. Kate has pissed off many, many people. Any one of them could want to stick a knife in her back. Does Dimitri (Peter Porte) still hold a grudge? How about Kristen? (Yes, she’s all tied up at the moment, but Kate doesn’t know that.) And what about Kate’s very, very checkered past? Megan might not even be making the top 10 dangers for Kate. Which means she should be even more careful.

Days of our Lives: Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Kate

Kate should be very afraid, 56% predict. Megan was smart enough to figure out that Harris was tracking her car. Megan was smart enough to get Li (Remington Hoffman) to knock Harris out. Megan was smart enough to get Dr. Rolf to come back and brainwash Harris. Megan already figured out that Kate was in on this. Especially once she saw his phone. Which means that Megan is going to be very, very cranky. And she’s going to want her revenge. On everyone! But Kate, first.