Soap Hub Performer Of The Week For Days: Tina Huang

It’s rare indeed for Tina Huang to be given low-key, introspective material given how bombastic, grandiose, and Machiavellian her alter-ego tends to be written — so Friday’s departure from the norm was most welcome.

Tina Huang — Performer of the Week

At the onset, Huang played Melinda much like her old self. Sharpish, snappy, and pragmatic. The lady D.A. had little time on her hands and even less so for Belle (Martha Madison) and her client and she certainly had no intention of brokering a deal for the likes of Talia (Aketra Sevillian).

“I think it sets a terrible precedent for a truly dangerous criminal to be given a walk in exchange for pointing a finger at her coconspirator” she explained, adding “In court, I will present an open-and-closed case that will put Ms. Hunter away for a long, long time.”

When Madison’s Belle argued, Huang got testy. Leaning forward towards her costars, eyes blazing and darting back and forth between the two, the actress listed a plethora of reasons why Talia’s testimony wouldn’t be necessary to secure a conviction against her villainous boyfriend.

And as to Talia’s declaration that Colin was no longer her boyfriend, Huang icily spit out “Well, that’s probably for the best. I’ve heard that it’s hard to keep a relationship when each of you is serving long sentences in different correctional facilities.”

More back and forth, more harsh truths, and grandstanding from Huang. Finally, Belle produced a file folder containing evidence that she was sure would have a bearing on the case and, hopefully, sway Melinda into showing Talia some leniency.

Inside the folder? A signed affidavit from Talia’s psychiatrist detailing the nature of the relationship between Talia and Colin — one categorized by coercion and mental and emotional abuse.

Having poured over the files Huang’s entire demeanor changed. It was a palpable softening, one that could be seen through body language and facial expression. Relaxing into her chair, Huang wryly observed, “The worst thing about being in an abusive relationship is the shame that we feel. A man treats us badly, and somehow we still believe that it’s our fault.”

Yes, Melinda knew about bad men. It was written all over Tina Huang’s face. In Talia she saw a kindred spirit and an opportunity to better the young woman’s life — and Huang found the opportunity to remind the audience that beneath Melinda’s cold exterior beat a kind heart.