Performer Of The Week For Days: Dan Feuerriegel

Susan Banks’s status is still very much in question on DAYS, but the magnetic performance put in by Dan Feuerriegel certainly isn’t.

Dan Feuerriegel — Performer of the Week

Feuerriegel so effortlessly exudes charm, he’s hard to begrudge his alter-ego any of his shortcomings. Heck, even Nicole (Arianne Zucker) didn’t much mind him lying straight to her face about the hand he played in Ava’s (Tamara Braun) assassination. But there’s a darker side to EJ’s personality that Feuerriegel can just as easily slip into.

When confronting snooping underling Wendy Shin (Victoria Gace), Feuerriegel was both a pompous ass and a menacing bulldozer. He spoke in low tones, but that clipped and haughty accent of his cut like a knife. Even the smiles that he would flash were obviously of the condescending variety. EJ had set a trap, and Wendy had walked right into it, and Feuerriegel clearly delighted in going toe-to-toe with his equally game co-star.

While Grace sassed back, Feuerriegel glared. When she saddled up to him, he leaned down in an effort to intimidate. The actors were equally matched, but EJ had the upper hand with his ability to fire Wendy on the spot. Score one for the bad guys.

Later, when EJ conversed with Johnny (Carson Boatman) and updated him on Wendy’s antics and her claims that Susan (Stacy Haiduk) was alive, Daniel Feuerriegel led with indignation, but underneath there were signs of something else. Longing? Hope? Out and out belief? We’ll never be any the wiser.

Days of our Lives airs weekdays on Peacock+ in the U.S. and The W Network or Global TV App in Canada!