Rhobh Recap: Annemarie Accuses Crystal Of Calling Cast “Uneducated & Shallow” As Crystal Suffers Medical Emergency, Plus Dorit Slams Crystal As “Child Bride,” And Questions Kyle’S Outfit Choices


Before leaving for Barcelona, Annemarie comes crawling back to Sutton with her tail between her legs. However, when it comes to Crystal, Annemarie remains cool, unless Crystal apologizes for calling her a b*tch. On this episode of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, you can take the girls out of California, but it’s not gonna stop them from turning a fun night into a screaming match.

Watching each of the women prep for a girls’ trip is truly something else. Garcelle is hyped to be traveling with glam, Crystal gets fashion advice from everyone’s favorite housekeeper, and Sutton and Avi show us once more that they are the duo that we didn’t know we needed, but now can no longer live without.

As Sutton discusses what she will and will not pack, she reminds Avi that Merce Cunningham, one of the best dancers in the world, will be coming with her on the trip… in ashes form. Sutton explains that she worked with Merce for six years when she was in the studio with him. They had a sweet friendship, and Sutton states that he was one of the most important men in her life. Sutton gets the bright idea to bring his ashes with her to Barcelona so she can spread them somewhere significant in Merce’s life. Although very heartfelt on paper, the act of bringing said ashes in a Ziploc bag seems somewhat questionable.

Crystal believes that Spain will be a great fresh start for the group. So far so good at LAX, but the trip is young. Garcelle can’t wait for the food, the culture… and the men. Gotta love her. On the plane, Dorit dons thousand-dollar jammies and retorts, “Sweetheart, if you’re gonna travel, travel in style.” Right.

Once they land, the ladies pile into an infamous Sprinter van, and we are immediately immersed into Spanish culture. Sutton explains that where they are staying is one of the first places that the Merce Cunningham dance company performed in Europe and so it is sentimental… and old… and presumably haunted.

Sutton whips out a game called “All of Sutton” on the ride over to the house, and the ladies are forced to check their knowledge on Sutton. Turns out they know little about this lady. Erika wins, beating out Sutton’s bestie Garcelle, and Erika is gifted a tiara. Perfect.

They arrive at the house, and it is beautiful. The group tours the estate that was built in the 14th century. They are warned that the place may have some ghosts, and Erika claims she has the ability to SMELL spirits. According to the previous owners, there are some little friendly “people” running around from time to time. What this means, we are not entirely sure. Garcelle explains that she is Haitian, and where she is from, there is voodoo and witchcraft. She grew up that way and believes those things to exist, so she isn’t planning on messing with them.

The ladies randomly draw for their rooms, switching it up from the usual mad dash to find the best spot. When the glam rolls up, there are enough people in this place to scare any ghosts away. It cracks me up that they fly their teams out, to get all dolled up, to sit around a table… together, in the house.

Kyle packed a lot of leather, and some of the choices look a little like a hooker. Dorit is questioning if she even knows Kyle anymore based on the g-string bathing suits and see-through cover-ups.

Kyle is late, late, late to the evening’s events, and when Storm, the chef, greets the ladies, they are for once momentarily made speechless by his dashing looks. Sutton whips Merce out… which only adds to the eeriness of the whole place. The ladies are aghast that his ashes are right there in Ziploc, and it’s not exactly usual to have this happen.


As the ladies ooh and ahh over Storm’s cooking, Annemarie brings the mood down in the way only she can. She discusses how she is hopeful to be in a better place with Sutton, but Sutton reminds Annemarie that she did not like the “lonely and insecure” dig she made toward the ladies the other night. Sutton checks Annemarie and makes it known that she offended the group. Annemarie apologizes in a very blanket way and wonders aloud if there’s anything else she should say sorry for.

When Crystal mumbles, “Calling me insecure,” Annemarie snaps back, “We’re gonna get to you.” Annemarie breaks down the first time she ever met Crystal. The first thing Crystal allegedly said to Annemarie was that the ladies are “shallow and uneducated.” An offended Dorit calls Crystal a child bride and says that while Crystal was getting married, the women were doing other things to educate themselves. Annemarie calls Crystal to the floor and wants her to be honest. Garcelle realizes that Crystal has insinuated that some of the ladies are not as bright as she is, and so she begins to question Crystal.

Annemarie goes on to spill that Crystal called the ladies “fake socialites” and that she is the only real one in the group. Dorit believes that this is something Crystal would truly say as an excuse for being boring. Annemarie won’t stop, and when Garcelle asks Crystal out right, Crystal calls it offensive. Annemarie believes that Crystal tries to make herself out to be better than the rest of the group, but Crystal comes in hot. Crystal is calling BS on Annemarie — she is antagonistic and combative. Annemarie wants a thank you from Crystal for giving her something to talk about and making Crystal’s “a*s relevant,” and she warns Crystal: “Don’t take my kindness for weakness.” Ooph.

Later, Garcelle sneaks into Sutton’s room, despite Sutton being an awful roommate in Vegas. Garcelle must be pretty scared to deal with Sutton’s late-night chatting all over again…

In the morning, Sutton touches base with Crystal to discuss the previous night’s antics. According to Annemarie, she doesn’t like confrontation, but she wants to out Crystal on her lies… through confrontation. Would you look at that? Crystal does not think that anyone would believe the claims coming from Annemarie, but Erika and Dorit feel like there may be an ounce of truth to what Annemarie was saying. Sutton really wants Crystal to stick up for herself, and Crystal explains that she is treading lightly.

Before heading out for the day’s activities, a vindicated Erika shares two decisions on the appeal regarding *the* earrings. Erika thinks Crystal, especially, would want to hear it. The district court reversed the decisions, and in the end, it cannot be proven that the money used to buy the earrings was client money. Erika is thrilled that everything she was saying last year is starting to come true, and she happily shares this with the naysayers in the group. Garcelle still won’t let it go and wishes Erika would just give those earrings back to the victims for good karma. Erika just wants them to acknowledge that some of them were wrong for assuming she was guilty in this mess.

The group breaks into two Sprinter vans, and they head to a chapel to state their intentions for the trip. Erika is holding grudges because no one is giving her the credit she feels is due to her. On the way there, Crystal becomes overwhelmed with car sickness on the incredibly windy road and demands the car to stop immediately. Crystal heaves on the side of the road and her veins are popping out, causing the ladies to get concerned. As Crystal sits, trying to regain normalcy, the group looks to Annemarie for medical advice. It is funny how last night Crystal and Annemarie were fighting like crazy, and now Crystal is relying on Annemarie for her knowledge until 911 arrives…

