Meredith’s love life seems finally settled in Grey’s Anatomy season 21 after Derek’s death, but the potential return of one character could cause disruption in Meredith’s life. Among Grey’s Anatomy’s most shocking deaths of a main character, Derek’s ranks high because of how heartbreakingly it was brought forth, with his saving all his patients before dying because the surgeon on call didn’t order the tests that could have saved him, and because of how it massively impacted Meredith. For some time, dating felt impossible for Meredith, reeling from the loss and the fact the love of her life had died.
Eventually, Meredith started dating again and even formed major romantic relationships. However, they all felt like the relationship potential was untapped. Indeed, Meredith’s relatively long bond with Andrew DeLuca fizzled out after Andrew realized Meredith didn’t love him as she did being a surgeon. Cormac Hayes, Nathan Riggs and Atticus Lincoln were all considered possible romantic partners for Meredith, but all their relationships or attempts at such with Meredith were somewhat unfulfilled. Nick and Meredith’s relationship is the first to hold up compared to her and Derek’s, but one character potentially returning in Grey’s Anatomy season 21 could disrupt it.
Nathan Riggs’ Return Could Poke Even More Holes In Meredith & Nick’s Romance
Grey’s Anatomy Seasons 19 & 20 Already Showed Their Many Problems
Among Derek’s replacements as Meredith’s love interests, Nathan Riggs was the first to appear in Grey’s Anatomy season 12 precisely for that reason. While Meredith and Nathan eventually connected, their relationship was truncated the moment Owen’s sister and Nathan’s ex-fiancée Megan was found alive overseas, making it impossible for Meredith and Nathan’s connection to be explored as Megan’s return evidently trumped what they could have had. Martin Henderson not excluding a possible return to Grey’s Anatomy as Nathan Riggs thus makes him a potential disruption in Meredith’s life and relationship with Nick, even more so after Nathan and Megan’s breakup.
Nathan’s arrival could exacerbate [Nick and Meredith’s problems] by offering an alternative, effectively being among the ones who got away.
Meredith and Nick’s relationship is stabler than ever in Grey’s Anatomy season 21. Meredith’s outburst about Bailey’s health in season 20 forced her also to admit her feelings, thus prompting Meredith to be open at last with Nick. This strengthened their relationship, but Grey’s Anatomy season 19 and 20 already showed their problems, including Meredith’s tendency to keep Nick in the dark about her Grey Sloan issues. Her refusal to admit her feelings led to Nick almost abandoning her multiple times. Nathan’s arrival could exacerbate them by offering an alternative, effectively being among the ones who got away.
Grey’s Anatomy Ruined Riggs’ Perfect LA Ending When It Unnecessarily Separated Him & Megan
Meredith & Riggs Couldn’t Happen Because Megan Was Revealed To Be Alive
Henderson addressing how he would only return as Nathan in Grey’s Anatomy if the story truly warranted it excludes a comeback solely to spread discord between Nick and Meredith. His return could nonetheless be worthwhile, as coming back in Grey’s Anatomy season 21 or even later could finally tell Nathan’s side of his breakup with Megan, something unbelievably cruel that the medical drama sprung on Megan and Nathan after Nathan’s Grey’s Anatomy exit perfectly included his and Megan happily ever after, trying to build a life together with Farouk in LA.
While Megan’s return had the downside of leaving Meredith and Nathan’s possible relationship unexplored, it was a massive opportunity for Megan and Nathan’s relationship. After everything they went through in their past, including Nathan’s betrayal and Megan getting on the helicopter that was downed only because she was angry at him, Nathan and Megan’s reconnection and wish to build a life together was a message of hope and second chances. Season 18 revealing his and Megan’s offscreen breakup thus felt especially cruel, making Nathan’s return to Grey’s Anatomy necessary even just for giving him the chance to say his piece.