One Thing Mark Sloan Said That Had Grey’S Anatomy Fans Furious (But He Was Actually Right)

He might’ve been a bit insensitive, but he wasn’t wrong at all.

There’s no nice way to say it: Mark Sloan was a jerk. Looking back on the show years after the first episodes aired, it’s easy to see how badly he treated everyone but the few people he cared about.

Between all the nasty comments about women and his huge ego, there was nothing attractive about him but his looks and his soapy love story with Lexie Grey.

However, there was a moment that showed how much he cared for another woman, Callie Torres. Their relationship may have been complicated, especially considering the circumstances of her pregnancy.

She affected his relationship with Lexie, while he always stood between her and Arizona.

To Mark’s credit, he never questioned her importance.

In season 7 episode 18, when Callie gets into a car accident and the whole show turns into a cringe-worthy musical, Mark Sloan shows a very human side of himself and stands out from his colleagues while deciding Callie’s fate.

While everyone is worried about the possibility of premature labor, Mark is much more concerned about saving her life.

Many fans felt that his question, “Why are we even talking about the baby?” only added to the bad moments of the episode, but now it seems that he was the only sane person there.

Despite participating in a singing contest with everyone else, he managed to save some brain cells to come to the conclusion that Callie’s life is more important to him.

It’s a shame that the moment turned out to be so insensitive.

Of course, the way he lashed out at Arizona wasn’t acceptable, but it was the height of their rivalry, and frankly, they were both pretty upset about their loved ones.

If there is anything to respect about Mark Sloan, it is this.

If you want to subject yourself to rewatching Grey’s Anatomy’s most heartbreaking as well as most cringeworthy episode once again, you can stream it on ABC online, Netflix, Hulu, or Disney Plus.