Megan And Li’S Master Plan Backfired Big Time


Harris assured his would-be victim that it wasn’t anything personal. He was just following orders. Stefan and Gabi (Camila Banus) concluded that it must be EJ who hired Harris, and the former demanded that the assassin concur. But he couldn’t.

And, that’s because it wasn’t EJ who set him forth on his mission. It was Li Shin (Remington Hoffman) [Well, Li Shin and Megan, but thanks to Dr. Rolf, Megan’s in the clear.]. Apparently, the guy still has something for Gabi and adopted an “If I can’t have her, etc., etc., etc.” mentality.

Well-meaning Wendy (Victoria Grace) refused to believe her brother capable of such a heinous act, but Stefan and Gabi were quick to remind her and everybody in attendance that Li had done so in the past. He did disconnect Stefan from his life support machine. And, didn’t Li go out of his way to talk Wendy out of attending the festivities? He made out like it was a loyalty thing, but more likely he was trying to keep her out of the crossfire.

Rafe (Galen Gering) soon entered the fray, his service weapon drawn. Seizing the opportunity, Gabi climbed atop Harris’s back. In the melee that followed, Harris fired…and struck down Megan! Karma at its finest.

Days of our Lives Recap: Quite The Pickle

Over at the DiMera manse, despite the rapidly escalating sexual tension between them, Eric fetched Nicole some nourishment and insisted on staying with her while she ate and rehydrated. “If only the baby’s father was so attentive,” huffed Nicole.

And it’s not that she’s ungrateful for Eric’s help, it’s just that EJ should be there, not somewhere else on business not bothering to answer his phone. Eric was sure EJ had his reasons, as was Nicole. But they weren’t good enough. It’s like he’s forgotten what’s important. Their baby isn’t even born yet and he’s already abandoned them.

Soon, self-pitting Nicole and comforting Eric were locking lips. It was Eric who was the first to pull away and remind that they were both seeing other people. Remember EJ and Sloan (Jessica Serfaty)?

Opposite this, Leo questioned EJ and Kristen as to why they were handcuffed to chairs inside a bondage dungeon and got quite the earful. Firstly, they weren’t in a “bondage dungeon.” Secondly, it wasn’t owing to a game of cops and robbers getting out of hand. It was big, bad Megan. She did this to them.

Why, wondered Leo. Why would Megan lock them up? That…was a good question. EJ and Kristen could recall that their sister had imprisoned them for learning a secret, but as for the secret itself, they can’t quite remember. But, they are pretty sure that Megan injected them with something to make them forget, so there’s that.


Leo asked if Megan’s scheme involved Gwen (Emily O’Brien), seeing as how he expects that Dimitri (Peter Porte) has an ulterior motive for proposing to her, but EJ wasn’t so sure. He thinks his sister is up to something far more sinister than manipulating Leo’s bestie. It’s high stakes. Life or death. Is it Gwen that’s in danger? Unlikely. Then who? No idea. Call it a gut feeling.

DAYS Recap: Reaction Stations

Try as he might, Johnny (Carson Boatman) could offer a distraught, railing Wendy only cold comfort. What was wrong with her brother? When did he turn into such a heartless, conscienceless bastard? There’s no excuse for what Li did. None. None at all. And now, he’s going to have to face the consequences.

And said consequences came in the form of Gabi…and Stefan — alive and well — … and Rafe. Li was under arrest for attempted murder. He had the right to an attorney, he didn’t have to say anything, but anything he did say could and probably would be used against him, blah, blah, blah.

Meanwhile, Harris was handcuffed to a chair and Chad (Billy Flynn) and Stephanie (Abigail Klein) were tasked with watching over him. To quote Steph, “Poor guy can’t catch a break.”

Days of our Lives Recap: Appearances Can Be Deceiving

Back at the DiMera abode, no sooner had Nicole expressed the opinion that she’d probably never be able to forgive EJ for his seeming abandonment of her than EJ and Kristen appeared through the secret[ish] door looking worse for wear.

They relayed how they’d been held hostage and freed by Leo — of all people — and Nicole and Eric stood around dumbfounded. Nicole and EJ eventually retired to their room and Nicole declared that she loves EJ. She really does. He’s the father of her child and he’s the man that she wants to be with.
