Married At First Sight Subtitles Go Rogue As Producers Cannot Understand What Groom Adrian Araouzou Is Saying

While some Married At First Sight fans may be finding it hard to understand some of Adrian Araouzou’s actions, it seems producers are struggling to understand what he is actually saying.

The controversial groom is the only cast member from season 12 to have their dialogue accompanied by subtitles.

Instagram account MAFS Funny shared a screenshot from Monday night’s episode that showed Adrian chatting to the camera during his home visit with bride Awhina Rutene.

The caption that ran alongside Adrian’s dialogue read: ‘…what her sister Cleo done wrong that day.’

The original poster commented that they were quite tickled with the lack of grammar in the subtitles.

‘I love the fact they’re no longer correcting his grammar in the subtitles,’ the caption over the image read.

Captioning the post, MAFS Funny hinted that producers had finally given up trying to understand the reality groom’s accent

‘The person doing the subtitles has admitted defeat hahahaah,’ they wrote.

Viewers were quick to comment on the post, with many MAFS fans taking the chance to have a not-so-subtle dig at Adrian.

‘They need to introduce a special award at the Logies for the poor subtitles person who had to cope with this nong,’ one fan commented.

Another chimed in with a similar: ‘Is it weird that now he’s being an a** again, I can’t understand him again?’

‘What school did he go to as a child. They have a lot to answer for,’ one viewer questioned while another replied with, ‘He speaks the good English.’

Summing up the sentiment of many, another added: ‘Omg can’t they at least get grammar correct? Drives me crazy!!!’

MAFS fans were also quick to issue their surprise over the use of subtitles on Adrian’s voice following the show’s first dinner party in February.

‘I used more brain power trying to understand what Adrian is saying than I did in my 9 hour shift as a pharmacist,’ one person posted to TikTok.

‘Did anyone else not have subtitles when he was talking at the dinner party? Hurt my brain trying to understand him,’ another commented.

‘The subtitles were saving me,’ a third said, while another wrote: ‘And he’s the only one with subtitles as well.’

‘I thought it was just because I was from US! So it isn’t an accent/dialect issue?’ one person asked.

‘I needed English subtitles when Adrian talks and still I can’t really understand,’ another added.

Former MAFS star Dean Wells also shared a video to his Instagram, echoing a similar sentiment.

‘I think the way he speaks, he is the first MAFS contestant to ever have subtitles,’ he told his followers.

In a recent interview on the MAFS Funny podcast, Adrian explained his accent.

‘I’m from Sydney, and where I grew up is a multicultured community,’ he said.

‘I grew up around a lot of islanders, Aboriginals, Europeans and Australians, a bit of everything, and it’s just my accent, bro.’

While admitting that he can be prone to mumbling, Adrian was quick to take aim at viewers criticising his accent.

‘I do mumble, 100 per cent. Sometimes I mumble, that’s just me, bro,’ he said.

‘At the end of the day, when anyone says, ”You’ve got subtitles, bro”, I’m still on the biggest show in Australia.

‘What are you doing? You’re watching me and reading those subtitles.’