Married At First Sight Season 17: The Drama Between Chloe & The Girls, Explained

Married At First Sight season 17 introduced Chloe Brown in the middle of the season, but the drama between her and the rest of the women in the cast has lasted for far longer than anyone expected. Throughout Married At First Sight season 17, the cast spent time together while building their marriages, hopeful that they’d be able to make other connections beyond their romantic partners. In sharing the process with someone other than their specific spouse, the Married At First Sight season 17 cast were able to build solid bonds with one another, hopeful they’d keep them moving forward.

Chloe, who entered Married At First Sight season 17 later than the rest of the cast, had a more difficult time connecting with the rest of the participants in the experiment. The oldest member of the Married At First Sight season 17 cast at 39 years old, Chloe had a tough time breaking through the wall the rest of the women had built up during their early weeks of marriage. Though she tried to forge bonds with the cast, there wasn’t much more she could do. After the reunion, Chloe revealed there’s more than meets the eye in the story.

The Women Of MAFS Season 17 Bonded Early
Their Relationships Were Tough, Which Pushed Them Together

Throughout the history of Married At First Sight, the couples have split off to bond with the other brides and grooms. The separation of the men and women can be helpful, the experts have found, in building camaraderie between the couples and in helping them through the sometimes difficult experience. The participants have nearly always found friendships, even if their marriages don’t work out in the long run. Though it’s always been a benefit that the men and women can emotionally bond, it’s also sometimes detrimental to the relationships to have the participants so deeply involved in each other’s marriages.

Throughout Married At First Sight season 17, the couples bonded with one another in the same way that past couples have, but the bond between the women seemed stronger than it has in the past. The women of Married At First Sight season 17’s initial weddings, which didn’t include Chloe and Michael, formed a bond that has been growing stronger with each episode of the season. They’ve supported one another through everything, and while some viewers were confused by their close-knit relationship, things became more clear when their relationships began to fall apart and they were leaning on each other.

Chloe Came Into MAFS Season 17 Late
Her Marriage Wasn’t Until Halfway Through The Season

Chloe came into her Married At First Sight marriage later than the rest of the women, as Michael was a part of MAFS history. Michael’s original bride wound up leaving him at the altar, feeling suddenly unable to invest herself into a marriage. The experts worked with Michael to help him heal, then matched him with Chloe after he felt receptive to the idea of trying the experiment again. Though Chloe and Michael’s relationship started later than the rest, Michael had still been part of the group before his second marriage, while Chloe was introduced after their actual wedding ceremony.

The MAFS Season 17 Reunion Drew A Line In The Sand
The Original Women Didn’t Include Chloe

The Married At First Sight season 17 reunion was a major shift for the season, as it finally revealed why there was so much tension between the men and the women of the season. During the early moments of the reunion, the women aside from Chloe shared that they had something to spill regarding their time on the show. Emily Balch, Lauren Goodger, Clare Kerr, and Becca Haley explained that their exes, Brennan Shoykhet, Orion Martzloff, Cameron Fraser, and Austin Reed, had orchestrated scenes and deceived the production team throughout Married At First Sight season 17, according to the women.

While the Married At First Sight host Kevin Fraizer and experts, Dr. Pepper Schwartz, Dr. Pia Holec, and Pastor Cal Roberson, were shocked by the allegations, the men alleged that it was a joint effort between themselves and their wives. The women, who had all dressed in pink and left Chloe out of the fashion decision, made it clear that they weren’t to blame for the idea, just the execution. With such deception having occurred throughout the season, everyone was blown away by the idea that the cast could manipulate the production so entirely, draining the authenticity of the series.

After MAFS Season 17, Chloe Felt Tension With The Women
She Wasn’t Sure What Had Happened

Chloe explained that she didn’t stand with the rest of Married At First Sight season 17’s women, but also shared that she felt some clear tension between herself and the rest. None of the women had reached out to her to try and include her in their united front stance, nor had they told her about the bombshell about the season. Blindsided, Chloe felt like she wasn’t part of their group at all. She explained in the finale episode that she’d grown much closer to the men during her time on Married At First Sight anyway, but it still stung.

During the finale episode of Married At First Sight season 17, Chloe explained that she’s been receiving a lot of online hate, especially on Facebook. She feels certain that at least two of the women are behind some of the hate, and though she didn’t share why she feels so strongly it’s them, she was direct about her beliefs. She shared that their attitudes have been difficult for her, and the fact that she has been so left out made it clear that the other women don’t have regard for her feelings, despite her never doing anything harmful to them.

Lauren’s Relationship With Michael Rubbed Chloe The Wrong Way
She Didn’t Like Their Connection

In the final moments of the finale special, Married At First Sight season 17’s Chloe explained that she struggles with the connection between Lauren and Michael, which fans online have pushed from early on in the series. While Michael has told Chloe he has no interest in Lauren, she found it hurtful that Lauren would attempt to pursue her ex-husband after her time on the show was so turbulent. Chloe shared that she felt hurt that, even without being part of the Married At First Sight season 17 women’s clique, her feelings were disregarded when they’re supportive of each other.