Married At First Sight Season 17: Everything “Puppet Master” Clare Kerr Did To Cameron Frazer (He Never Wants To Speak To Her Again)

Married At First Sight season 17’s Clare Kerr and Cameron Frazer had a difficult marriage, but what about their final interactions made it clear to Cameron that he never wants to speak to Clare again? While Married At First Sight season 17 matched up some difficult couples, none were more troubled than Cameron and Clare. The controversial series took place in Denver, Colorado for its current season, and the couplings had difficulty communicating with one another in a way that built lasting bonds. Clare, who was excited for her marriage to Cameron, found herself struggling to connect with her husband.

Throughout Married At First Sight history, the experts on the series have done a questionable job at making lasting connections. Their job is difficult, which Married At First Sight expert Dr. Pepper Schwartz spoke to when discussing this season’s historic second wedding. While making matches can be difficult on the series, the marriages themselves are the responsibility of the couples. Cameron’s marriage to Clare was difficult on both of them throughout Married At First Sight season 17.

Clare & Cameron’s Journey

Getting married sight unseen, Clare and Cameron seemed to have a decent connection at their wedding. The couple were happy to get to know one another, and seemed to share a bond that felt familiar to both of them. Cameron, who is originally from New Zealand, spent some of the time at their wedding, explaining his family situation and discussing his business in the US. Clare explained her family as well, letting Cameron know that she has several siblings and her family was a big part of her life.

It didn’t take long for problems to crop up for Clare and Cameron during their marriage. Both seemed to like each other, but their feelings weren’t progressing from like to love. Clare and Cameron did their best to work toward being more intimate and emotionally available to one another, but, ultimately ended their relationship long before Married At First Sight’s Decision Day. Clare let Cameron know that she felt like they were in more of a platonic marriage than a romantic one, and he agreed with her, so they chose to separate before deciding to divorce on Decision Day.

Clare Accused Cameron Of Silencing Her

After Decision Day, Claire and Cameron met with the rest of the Married At First Sight season 17 cast to discuss their choices together. Claire and Emily Balch, who was married to Brennan Shoykhet, during Married At First Sight season 17 both spoke up about the issues they had in their marriages. Clare accused Cameron of silencing her and the New Zealand native was angry about the accusation, quickly rebuffing her. Cameron did his best to defend himself against Clare as well as Emily, both of whom felt their husbands had been difficult to talk over in their marriages.

Cameron Said Clare Was A “Puppet Master” & Using Emily Balch

In the most recent episode of Married At First Sight season 17, Cameron spoke on the phone with Michael, revealing that the major issues in his relationship with Clare had finally become clear to him. Cameron explained that watching Clare seemingly manipulated Emily during their conversation with the larger group made it obvious to him that she had been doing the same thing in their marriage. Calling Claire a “puppet master”, Cameron explained that he felt Clare had been manipulating his thoughts and opinions throughout their time together. It made it difficult for him to connect with her at all.

Cameron Does Not Want To Speak To Clare Ever Again

During their conversation, Cameron explained to Michael that the way that Clare had acted toward him had been incredibly triggering. He was stressed throughout the experiment, which took a toll on his health. Throughout Married At First Sight season 17, Cameron developed some serious heart issues. Keeping himself calm and stress-free was a big deal, and dealing with Clare’s behavior was not helpful for him. Cameron shared that he has no intention of reaching out to his Married At First Sight wife, Clare, again in the future.