Married At First Sight: Michael Shiakallis Exposes The Truth About Season 17 (& What He & Chloe Brown Were Asked To Do)

Married At First Sight season 17 stars Michael Shiakallis and Chloe Brown said no on Decision Day, and Michael recently exposed the truth about production. The show hasn’t had the best track record of setting up lasting couples. Despite the occasional success, like Doug Hehner and Jamie Otis from season 1, the couples usually end up divorced. Season 17, which was filmed in Denver, Colorado, was terrible, even by MAFS standards.

Of the five couples who got married during Married At First Sight season 17, one divorced during their honeymoon, and the remaining couples followed. The season featured the show’s first runaway bride; Michael was left at the altar, but the experts gave him a second chance at love. He and Chloe were married soon after. Though they shared values and had chemistry, they still called it quits. Nonetheless, Michael recently appeared on a podcast to spill the tea about his experience.

Michael Took Austin’s Side
The Producer Thing

Michael appeared on the podcast Are You My Podcast, hosted by Sarah Colonna and Mary Radzinski, where they asked Michael about the producer incident between Married At First Sight season 17 castmates Austin Reed and Becca Haley. Michael clarified that Becca wasn’t accusing Austin of having a romantic relationship with the producer. According to him, though Austin lied about running into the producer, it was more about Becca’s frustration that the producer was influencing Austin in a way she felt was designed to make him look better.

Austin and Becca hit it off right away. Michael even said he thought they had the best natural chemistry. Though they were in the running to be Married At First Sight season 17’s strongest couple, things soured quickly. Becca was ready for physical intimacy sooner than Austin was, which led to insecurity and resentment. The couple also didn’t see eye to eye when it came to religion, with Austin being a devout Christian and Becca being a part of secular Judaism.

Though Becca and Austin said yes on Decision Day, they broke up the following day over the producer incident.

Michael Said Production Asked Them To Get Rid Of Dogs
World’s Worst Idea

Michael and Chloe were the healthiestMarried At First Sight season 17 couple. Assuming they’d stay together, the couple started to look for houses. Their needs were complicated because of all their various pets. In addition to multiple cats and dogs, Chloe has a pitbull, which makes renting a challenge. According to Michael, when he explained that many places wouldn’t rent to someone with a pitbull, Married At First Sight relationship expert Dr. Pia Holec suggested Chloe should give up her dog to make the marriage work.

Being animal lovers, Michael and Chloe were both upset by the suggestion.

Knowing that the couple was upset about Dr. Pia’s suggestion, the production team wanted Michael and Chloe to discuss their feelings with Dr. Pia. They all got on the phone, and Chloe explained she was frustrated by Dr. Pia’s advice. Not only was Chloe unwilling to give up the dog, but she felt Dr. Pia implied that if Chloe took the marriage seriously enough, she’d be willing to give the dog away.

Michael Defended Chloe As Not Being Fake
She’s The Real Deal

Throughout the entire podcast interview, it was clear Michael admires and respects Chloe. He explained that when Chloe made her Married At First Sight season 17 debut, he was surprised that some viewers thought she was being fake. He speculated it was because they were misreading Chloe’s character. Though viewers were initially unsure about Chloe, she grew on the fans. Michael also addressed speculations that his gender-bending personal style turned Chloe off. Michael explained he knew his fashion choices were odd for her, which is why he leaned into it. He told the hosts that he wanted to mess with Chloe a bit.

Michael Wanted To Ask How Runaway Bride Made The Show
The Show Needs Better Vetting

Michael told the podcast hosts the story of what happened the night of his first Married At First Sight season 17 wedding. After Michael’s first bride ran out on him, the venue was chaotic, and production was in a state of confusion. Michael was with his groomsmen but separated from the rest of his guests for hours.

When he was finally able to go home, his producer called him that night to offer him another shot at love. The podcast hosts were horrified that the producer called that night and couldn’t even wait until the next day. Ultimately, Michael agreed to a second wedding and married Chloe.