Married At First Sight Experts Slam Jacqui Burfoot For Laughing At Ryan Donnelly’S Pain During Commitment Ceremony After Explosive Dinner Party

The simmering drama on Married At First Sight boiled over again during Wednesday’s dinner party.

Long brewing tensions between Jacqui Burfoot and Ryan Donnelly reached fever pitch after Ryan revealed he had ‘a gutful’ of Jacqui’s behavior.

It appears that the drama is showing no signs of abating with a sneak preview of Sunday’s final commitment ceremony promising even more fireworks.

‘The experts hold Jacqui to account,’ narrator Helen Dallimore dramatically reveals in the teaser.

It seems much of the couple’s couch time is taken up by Jacqui with expert Alessandra Rampolla declaring: ‘We’re having a conversation about how you have made Ryan feel.’

Unable to maturely deal with the situation, Jacqui is then seen laughing to herself, minimising Ryan’s concerns.

However, as Helen aptly points out in the narration, the experts are not in a laughing mood.

‘I’m not sure what’s funny,’ expert Mel Schilling says as groom Dave hand asks his bride Jamie Marinos: ‘Why is she laughing.’

The smile was quickly wiped from Jacqui’s face however when she realised that he actions weren’t going to fly with the experts.

A fact that was more than evidenced by John Aitken who asked the beleaguered bride: ‘Why are you laughing about something that is so important to him? Just sit with that.’

While their relationship looked all but over following Wednesday night’s dinner party it seems there may be one final bombshell to drop.

The teaser shows a room full of shocked couples, eyes bulging, jaws dropped as the narrator asks the all important question.

‘Will Jacqui and Ryan quit the experiment just days before the final vows.’

What comes next proved too much for Paul Antoine who can be seen with his head in his hands.

Teejay Halkias also seemed quite taken aback, offering a simple: ‘That’s horrible.’

Following a disastrous Homestays week that saw Ryan and Jacqui constantly at loggerheads, the stage was set for some home truths and recriminations during Wednesday’s dinner party.

From the outset, Jacqui was clear she was chasing an apology from Ryan after his friends Adam and Carla took her to task over her treatment of their mate during an awkward lunch over Midori Illusions the day before.

‘I’ve done nothing wrong,’ she declared to producers.

‘When his friends came for me, that felt like a really unjustified, malicious attack on my heart and he just sat there.

‘Now I realise that supporting him as my husband is a detriment to the word.’

Jacqui was keen to take Ryan away from the table for a private chat, but he was more interested in airing their dirty laundry publicly.

The couple were very much the focal point of the dinner party chatter and when Ryan began recounting events that occurred during both Homestay visits, Jacqui refuted his claims wholesale.

This did not sit well with Ryan who shot back: ‘ Whenever the heat is on you, whenever you have to demonstrate ownership, you never do it. I’m sick of it.’

Ryan then revealed to the table that he had ‘a gutful’ of Jacqui’s behaviour.

Realising that the end may be nigh, Jacqui convinced Ryan to leave the table for a private chat.

Becoming emotional as she spoke to producers, Jacqui admitted that she may have gone a little too hard in the Letter Writing Challenge.

‘I think I know that letter I wrote was quite mean,’ she said.

‘Not mean, but a hard truth to hear, probably.

‘I just wish he could talk to me and communicate normally. I’m trying to get through to him but he’s checked out.’

Trying desperately to salvage their relationship, Jacqui further alienated her groom when she asked: ‘Why don’t you want to be great?’ after telling Ryan she was giving him the opportunity to work on himself.

Ryan then put the final nail in the relationship coffin by telling Jacqui that he was unable to salvage their union.

While Jacqui did apologise to Ryan for any hurt she caused, it was a case of too little, too late.

Clearly emotional, Jacqui said to producers after the meeting that her biggest fault was trying too hard.

‘I can’t believe I’m losing Ryan, she sobbed.

‘I don’t lose people, people lose me.’