Mafs Viewers Slam Dave Hand As A ‘Lying Gaslighter’ After Jamie Marinos Accused Him Of Being A ‘Psycho’ Who Lured Her Into A ‘Fake Relationship’

Married At First Sight’s Dave Hand and Jamie Marinos have seen their romance absolutely crumble.

It only got worse during Sunday’s episode, when Jamie confronted Dave for letting her down and not returning her feelings.

Instead of apologising or bringing her flowers, as Jamie had hoped, Dave instead blamed her for ‘coming at me’ and ‘making demands’.

Jamie was furious, and lashed out at her husband for his ‘bulls**t excuses’ and ‘casting his problems onto her’.

‘He should be ashamed of himself’ she raved amid a torrent of curse words that had to be bleeped.

‘I’m not writing ‘stay’ tonight. There is no chance’ she added of the upcoming Commitment Ceremony.

‘He’s an absolute liar. We don’t need that psycho’ she added.

Viewers were on Jamie’s side, with many calling Dave out for what they saw as gaslighting.

‘Who is this Dave? Is he trying to take the title of playing the victim from the other men on this show’ one person wrote on X.

”Hey btw Jamie, you really hurt me by saying that I hurt you’ – Dave, selfless empath’ joked another.

‘Jamie’s way is 0 to 100 but Dave’s gaslighting deserved a strong reaction. I’m sick of these people rewriting history and their righteous indignation when they’re called out for it’ another posted.

‘People like Dave and Veronica are the worst pieces of trash on Earth. Liars, manipulators, gaslighters. I can’t believe how good of an actor Dave is, he should get into movies, because he is a brilliant liar’ one more wrote.

‘Dave flipping the script and trying to blame and justify his change of heart on Jamie – failed dismally’ one more said.

‘Dave is a gaslighting liar’ another person watching at home wrote.

During Sunday’s Commitment Ceremony, Jamie, 28, asked Dave, 36, to prove to her that they weren’t in a ‘fake relationship’.

‘I need to know how the hell you’re going to convince me this isn’t a fake relationship. Now would be a good start’ Jamie said – to silence from Dave.

Dave then went on to say that he wanted to continue trying in the relationship – and opted to stay in the experiment and work on their issues.

Jamie however was unmoved, insisting, ‘I don’t believe you at all right now.’

Despite her doubts, she opted to ‘humour him with another week’ – with both opting to stay.

Last week, the situation spiralled out of control for the couple when Jamie was left a sobbing mess after she attempted to address Dave’s feelings and was met with indifference.

Jamie told producers: ‘Since my last conversation with Dave he hasn’t tried to resolve what we were talking about. He hasn’t tried to reassure me.’

‘Considering we have had so many weeks of being in a good place, I couldn’t feel further apart from him. I don’t know what he’s thinking.’

Unfortunately, Jamie was met with only coldness from Dave when she attempted to tell him how upset she was about his sudden lack of feelings for her.

‘The last conversation we had you said your feelings aren’t in the same place. I questioned your attraction to me. Imagine how I’m feeling,’ she told him.

‘You don’t think that would have been a good opportunity to validate me?’

Dave responded in a blasé manner: ‘I don’t know if you want to have this conversation here or at the dinner party.’

A stunned Jamie barked back: ‘Don’t you want to try and resolve it with me before we go to a dinner party?’ to which he replied: ‘If you want have the conversation now, let’s do it.’

‘What is with this reaction right now? Where is your emotion in this? Did you not just hear me?’ Jamie snapped.

‘I’m questioning your attraction and if you have romantic feelings for me. Do you know how upsetting that is?

‘Dave, you and me right now, I need to know that you’re here with me. I just don’t see it.’

Dave went on to explain he felt ‘upset’ she had questioned his feelings for her the night before, bringing up the fact he doesn’t initiate sex with her.

‘I had to ask myself why I was upset. It’s because the feelings aren’t there as much as I thought they would be,’ he said.

‘I’m not expressing the love you have for me. I’m not mirroring that back.’

‘Do you understand your words are really hurtful? You could say it a little bit nicer… You know where my feelings are,’ Jamie said.

‘I don’t think I was rude,’ Dave said, to which Jamie responded: ‘There is no sincerity or empathy in your voice. These are brutal words.’

Dave attempted to apologise for ‘not feeling as strong’ about his bride as she did, but she brushed him off saying: ‘I’m sorry that I have feelings for you.

‘If you’re going to treat me like this and you’re going to approach the situation like this, I’m sorry I had feelings for you.

‘That is not the Dave I’ve been married to. After everything, that’s how you’re going to approach this conversation?’

When Dave responded simply by saying that’s ‘just how he feels’, Jamie demanded he leave their apartment before she broke down in tears.

‘Who is that person? He just doesn’t even care. He’s not the person I know,’ she sobbed to producers.

‘Even if you don’t have feelings for me, you know how I feel about you and that’s how you’re going to approach it? What the f*** is wrong with him? That’s disgusting.

‘I don’t want to spend anymore time in this experiment with someone like that.

‘He’s worse than any of the others because he’s lied to me the whole time and he’s pretended to be someone he’s not.’

Things only got worse at the dinner party later that night as the couple arrived separately, leaving Jamie to cry with brides Awhina Rutene and Rhi Disljenkovic.

‘I don’t want to look at him. He makes me feel sick. The way we left this morning. I feel like I had more questions than answers,’ Jamie told producers.

‘You have just broken me. And after everything we’ve been through. Creating this partnership I thought I was going to carry through into my life.

‘The least you can do is try to sort it out. Try to apologise. Anything to make me feel like this wasn’t all bulls***.’

After more back and forth, which saw Dave be backed into a corner and forced to defend himself, he and Jamie appeared to leave things on a hopeful note.

When groom Jeff Gobbels asked Dave if he wanted to be in a relationship with Jamie, he said: ‘Of course I want this to work.’

He then turned to his tearful bride and said: ‘You are so special to me. You know who I am. You really do. And this is a situation I’ve handled badly.

‘I really do care about you Jamie. I do want to fight for this.’

Jamie was ready to give him another shot, but wasn’t so easily swayed by the sentiment which came too late.

‘If you want to be with me, you need to prove it. I cannot carry this team anymore. It is your turn to pull your finger out of your a** if you want to be with me,’ she said.