Mafs Viewers Go Wild Over Jamie Marinos’ Sister Georgia As They All Notice One Detail In Her Appearance

Married At First Sight’s Homestays episode on Monday featured a segment with bride Jamie Marinos and groom Dave Hand returning to Melbourne, where a meeting with Jamie’s sister caught fans’ attention.

The couple met Jamie’s sister, Georgia, who quizzed the couple about the rapid deterioration in their relationship.

But it was not the content of the conversation, but a detail in Georgia’s appearance that stood out to viewers – the sibling’s pouty lips.

The segment sparked an array of memes and comments to X.

‘Jayzuz feck does Jamie’s family get a bulk discount on silicone lip filler????’ asked one viewer.

‘At Jamie’s sister meet-up, I don’t see lips. I see cocktail Frankfurts’ another person commented.

‘Jesus. I thought Jamie’s lips were bad. Then her sister shows up with those,’ one fan commented.

‘How much lip filler does Jamie’s sister Georgia have?’ someone else asked with another saying, ‘OMG, Jamie’s family are all balloon lips!’

During the episode, Jamie refused to stay with Dave in her home, confessing the pair were currently ‘separated’.

They were then grilled by Georgia, who questioned Dave on whether he was in love with Jamie.

Dave confessed he is not – and said he was struggling to have romantic feelings for her.

‘Those feelings are instant. You know if they’re a friend or if they’re more. You know instantly. You don’t have romantic feelings?’ Georgia quizzed.

‘I want to build on that. I do. I see the glimpses of the romantic things there’ Dave said, pleading his case.

Jamie despaired: ‘It’s very clear he doesn’t have those feelings right now but he’s optimistic they will grow. But that concerns me this far into the experiment.

‘And I feel like… but how are you going to develop feelings for me? How do you think you’re going to get there?’ she added.

Dave continued to argue that he was hoping to develop feelings, but it wasn’t enough for Georgia or Jamie.

‘I’ve fallen for someone who doesn’t even show up the romantic sense’ Jamie lamented.

‘I don’t know, I don’t get it. Like, am I a sucker for punishment? ‘Cause this man doesn’t even have baseline romantic feelings for me yet’.

Many viewers commented that it was time to give up as Dave just does not want to be with her.

‘Jamie, Jamie, Jamie, nobody wants to be married to someone who ‘might fall in love if I work at it’. Time to set Dave free’ one person posted.

‘The first admission of him not being in to you, you should’ve listened Jamie. This is over’ someone else commented.

‘He’s not going to develop feelings for you and he knows it Jamie,’ a fan wrote.

‘Okay Jamie. Enough already. Dave is trying. You gotta come his way now. Exhausted’ said another.

‘Jamie and her ultimatums have bought Dave to…. No, he don’t love you’ was another comment.

Others said it was Dave who should cut the cord and tell Jamie that it’s over.

‘You don’t have to love someone just because they love you. But you do have to be honest about it and walk away rather than hurting the other person further with that nasty little emotion called hope. The best thing Dave can do is call it,’ one said.

‘Dave tell her you want to be friends… You cannot build on what’s not there… He’s delaying the inevitable’ a concerned viewer posted.

Some were critical of how Jamie and her sister badgered Dave about his feelings.

‘Dave might’ve handled it badly but what’s this obsession of grilling him for NOT already being in love with Jamie?’ one said.

‘People don’t fall in love at the same pace. Don’t understand this reaction from Jamie and her sister’ they added.

The drama had also played out during Sunday’s episode, when Jamie confronted Dave for letting her down and not returning her feelings.

Instead of apologising or bringing her flowers, as Jamie had hoped, Dave instead blamed her for ‘coming at me’ and ‘making demands’.

Jamie was furious, and lashed out at her husband for his ‘bulls**t excuses’ and ‘casting his problems onto her’.

‘He should be ashamed of himself’ she raved amid a torrent of curse words that had to be bleeped.

‘I’m not writing ‘stay’ tonight. There is no chance’ she added of the upcoming Commitment Ceremony.

‘He’s an absolute liar. We don’t need that psycho’ she added.