Kyle Richards Shares Text She Sent Dorit Kemsley Post Reunion, If Dorit’S Trying To Save Spot On Rhobh, & Responds To Claim She’S Manipulative As She Calls Castmates “Inhumane”

Kyle Richards shared a text she sent Dorit Kemsley after Dorit leaked her message at the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reunion, suggested she’s not a “genuine” friend, and called castmates “inhumane” for questioning her marriage on camera.

At the reunion, Dorit first revealed a message from Kyle – who called out how hurt she was by Dorit’s comments in the season. Dorit claimed the message was a manipulative attempt to silence her.

On the Let’s Talk Off Camera with Kelly Ripa podcast, Kyle was asked if Dorit leaked the text to keep her spot on the show.

“That’s what a lot of people were saying when she did that,” said Kyle. “And as someone who knows her … I never thought she would do that, so I was left also torn as to what was her motivation behind that.”

Kyle claimed none of her “genuine” friends would have leaked it. She then addressed Dorit’s claim that the text was manipulative.

“If it was manipulative, I could have called her a week before or two weeks before and been like, I miss you, let’s have lunch,” she said. “No, that’s not what I was saying. I was saying I’m in a really bad place, I’m in a lot of pain. We both are struggling right now… I said we have a lot at stake here, our families. I was being the complete opposite of manipulative. I was being completely upfront about it.”

Have the stars spoken since?

“I sent her a text saying, ‘Wow, I am shocked that you would do that,’” explained Kyle. She added that “even in the worse of worse situations, I’ve never had someone do that to me.”

Kyle said Dorit didn’t respond to the text.

“When I left [the reunion], I felt in a worse place with Dorit. I felt better initially… And then later, I saw that she read my text message on camera, which I have a rule. In all the years on the show, I would never, never have, never will repeat something someone said to me off-camera or show a text that wasn’t one of who could be perceived as my enemy,” said Kyle. “So when I saw that, I cried. I cannot tell you. It was like a punch in the gut to me. It just really, really hurt.”

According to Kyle, Dorit’s leak was “low.”

She then called her co-stars “inhumane” for continually questioning her marriage on camera.

“If they had come to me off camera in a kind way, I would have [opened up about my marriage issues],” said Kyle. “I mean, my friends are my therapists. But the way they came at me, it was not from a loving place of a friend that says, do you need someone? Are you okay? Is everything okay? Do you need anything? It was unbelievable honestly. It felt inhumane.”