It’S Not Funny At All How Y&R Alum Tammin Sursok Got A Concussion

Tammin Sursok was playing the part of Colleen when the beloved character was killed off on The Young and the Restless. Now, the actress has suffered a real-life injury and she’s trying to keep others from facing a similar incident — though we’re guessing few adults are ever likely to be in the position she was.

She’s Fallen and She Can’t Get Up

Sursok recently wound up in the emergency room recently with a concussion. While knocks to the noggin are no laughing matter, the former Y&R performer shared how hers came about. And you can’t laugh. Well, at least, you shouldn’t.


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First, she had some words of wisdom to share over her ordeal. “Things I’ve learnt in the last two days,” the actress began her post. “1) Concussions can happen doing the stupidest things. And when it happens, you might have to show or tell the doctor what you were doing. And it could be the most embarrassing moment of your life. 2) Concussions can happen 24 hours after you do that stupid thing, so watch for symptoms. 3) CT scans are weirdly soothing and when pumped with anti-nausea medication can make you nap.

She continued: “4) When you have small kids the ER is like a mini vacation. 5) Neck braces are good to sleep upright so maybe I’ll take one home for the plane. Thanks for all the well wishes…feeling slightly better. Just a bruised brain and ego. And the scan showed I did have a brain. So that’s good.”

So how did Sursok wind up in the ER? We could tell you she was swaddled up like a newborn and fell off the bed she was lying on but it’s better to see for yourself in the Instagram post below.

“Lol your bed is so low lol idk how u could get that hurt…” wrote Kathleenv56. Sursok replied: “because I landed on my head full force without arms to break my fall.” To which Kathleenv56 responded: “man girl intense lol I’m glad you are ok.”