If Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Takes A New Wife, Will He Lose “Monogamous” Robyn?


Sister Wives patriarch Kody Brown may be looking for another wife, but his remaining wife Robyn Brown may not be interested in plural marriage, after getting a taste of what it’s like to have her husband all to herself. After the Brown family’s implosion throughout 2021 and 2022, where Kody’s ex-wives (Christine Brown, Janelle Brown, and Meri Brown) left the plural marriage after decades-long relationships, the Sister Wives family has been in a transitional period. All eyes have been on Kody and Robyn as they explore what they want to do next in their relationship, which could involve bringing another wife into the mix.

Kody’s had a bad track record with relationships over the last several years, with several of his marriages coming to an end in quick succession. Christine decided to leave after years of being unhappy in her relationship, Janelle and Meri followed suit quickly thereafter, leaving Kody and Robyn shocked. While Robyn’s been a long-time proponent of plural marriage, now that she knows what it’s like to be the only wife for Kody, she may not want him searching for another partner. With Kody potentially looking for another wife, how will Robyn react if he’s interested in bringing someone else into their family?

Robyn Brown Wants Monogamy With Kody

While Robyn’s publicly been a vocal proponent of polygamy, she’s since mentioned that Kody taking a wife would be disrespectful towards her, his only wife. Robyn married Kody legally after he divorced his first wife, Meri, so that he could adopt her children legally. As his only legal wife, Robyn has been privy to the privileges that come with marriage throughout their time together. It’s possible that in understanding these privileges, Robyn’s become interested in a monogamous relationship with her husband. She now feels that adding another wife, and continuing a plural marriage, is wrong for her and Kody.


Kody May Be Getting Restless

While Kody’s been patient with Robyn, as the dust from the divorce has settled, he may be trying to find some of the “new relationship” gratification he’s known throughout his other times courting. Robyn was highly infatuated with Kody during their courtship. She was the most interested in Kody she’s ever been, and he may want to chase that high once again in a new relationship. Kody courting a new wife may push Robyn to feel even more disrespected, especially if he’s highly interested in them, the way he used to be with his current wife.

Kody May Lose His Only Loyal Wife

While Kody’s yet to actually start pursuing another wife publicly, it’s possible that in doing so, he could alienate the only legal wife he has. However, Kody may be missing the way he felt when his relationship with Robyn was new, and he may want to pursue that in a new romance. For Robyn, the idea of having to play second fiddle to a brand-new wife may be too much. As Robyn may feel disrespected, it’s possible that Kody could wind up a single man by the end of Sister Wives season 18.


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