House Of The Dragon Season 2’S Missing Actor Makes A Major Rhaenyra Theory More Likely

Harrold Westerling actor Graham McTavish is missing from House of the Dragon season 2’s cast list, but that only lends more weight to a theory on his role in Rhaenyra Targaryen’s (Emma D’Arcy) story. House of the Dragon season 2 is bringing back most of season 1’s surviving cast members, with the likes of D’Arcy, Matt Smith, and Olivia Cooke once again leading the way. After a lot of massive time jumps in season 1, House of the Dragon’s timeline will be more straightforward for its remaining seasons, which means most actors will be sticking around until they’re killed off, rather than being replaced.

All of that makes it notable that McTavish is missing from House of the Dragon season 2’s cast. With filming now underway ahead of its anticipated Summer 2024 release, it would seem that Harrold Westerling won’t be a part of the upcoming season at all. While that makes some sense, given he was last seen handing in his white cloak, resigning from the Kingsguard and leaving King’s Landing, it also just increases his parallels to a Game of Thrones character and makes a theory about his return more likely.

Harrold Westerling Missing House Of The Dragon S2 Supports Him Being Rhaenyra’s Barristan Selmy

If he is indeed missing from House of the Dragon season 2, then it only makes Harrold Westerling more like Barristan Selmy. Both characters were great Knights and respected Lord Commanders of the Kingsguard, who resigned in protest at the end of season 1 of their respective shows because of the actions of those in charge. Barristan, of course, went on to serve Daenerys Targaryen, before being killed in Game of Thrones season 5. It’s been speculated that Harrold will do something similar for Rhaenyra, and him missing from season 2 strengthens the idea: Barristan was completely missing from Game of Thrones season 2, returning as a surprise in season 3’s premiere, so Harrold could do the exact same thing.

Having Harrold Westerling completely missing from all future House of the Dragon seasons would be odd. For all him taking some time to plan his next steps is logical, to not return whatsoever would turn him into a major loose end, especially because he’s not the kind of person who would just sit idly by while war wages on around him. It’s likely that Rhaenyra will claim King’s Landing in House of the Dragon season 3, so him returning either just before or after that to help solidify her rule would fit with the story and his character. He’d be a major boost to her ranks, and add further legitimacy to her claim because of his standing.

Harrold Westerling’s HOTD Story Can Be Better Than Barristan Selmy’s In GOT

If Harrold Westerling does return (whether that’s actually in season 2, since he could in theory come back for a smaller appearance later on, or season 3) then his arc can not only repeat what happened with Barristan Selmy in Game of Thrones, but outdo it. Barristan’s initial return was well done, but his death in season 5 happened too quickly, haphazardly, and removed much of his book story. In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Barristan is very much still alive and plays a crucial role in running Meereen when Daenerys goes missing (even becoming a point-of-view character).

Harrold may not be quite as legendary a swordsman as Barristan, but he carries many similar characteristics. Harrold can not only help Rhaenyra accomplish her role of taking the Iron Throne (at least for a spell), but his role in that can be seen through to a proper endpoint. That may well be death for him like it was Barristan, but it could at least round it out and give it greater weight and emotional heft, rather than cutting his story short. That would happen if McTavish never returns, but if he does come back after House of the Dragon season 2, then it can tell a great story of the Knight’s honor and bravery.