Here’S Why Jada And Everett Aren’T Getting Divorced Anytime Soon On Days

On Days of Our Lives, Jada realized the filed away divorce papers only featured one signature — hers. She thought it would be easy to rectify this situation. Simply ask Bobby to sign the document. Poor Jada, in the Friday, April 5 episode, she found out that the task was easier said than done.

So Close Yet So Far

Whether Everett (Blake Berris) is one of Bobby’s alters, or whether it’s a con man’s alter ego, you have to admit that today was frustrating for Jada (Elia Cantu). She wants her Bobby Stein (also Blake Berris) years to be over and done with, especially since she moved on to something happier and healthier with Rafe (Galen Gering).

But this guy that she married may have the very real challenge of having a serious mental health condition. If that’s the case, whether he signed Everett or Bobby, there’s no way the document would ever be considered valid. If someone is not of sound mind, which is very possible here, he can’t sign.

And this is when we go back to Everett’s first hypnosis session with Marlena (Deidre Hall). There seems to be something in his childhood affecting him — many DAYS viewers feel he could have witnessed his mother kill his father. While under, he also saw a smirky, dastardly version of himself that seemed to suggest an alternate personality.

Based on this alone, Jada can’t get what she wants. Now, Sloan (Jessica Serfaty — who pulled off a big prank for April Fool’s) is only finding out about the case’s particulars, but we think ultimately, she’d have to bring this possibility up.

Everett or Bust

Then, of course, there’s another reason Bobby doubled down on his Everett identity. Because he’s a lying liar who lies and a cheater who always cheats, but he’s smart about his conman ways. He doesn’t want to be caught in a tangled web of lies. Right now, he is doubling and tripling down on the fact that he’s Everett Lynch, a journalist, and a one-woman man. He has to stick to it until he can’t anymore.

Here, we need to go back to when “Everett” spotted Jada from outside The Pub. He was supposed to meet her for the very first time. It was supposed to be a double date with Jada/Rafe and Stephanie/Everett. He looked in, saw Jada, and then walked away and called Stephanie (Abigail Klein) with an excuse. (Here are seven things you don’t know about Leo Howard, the new Tate)

That right there is beyond sus. Hopefully, something will blow up Everett/Bobby’s lies and we can discover the truth once and for all. It’d be nice also to find out why he’s so damaged. Jada needs to continue to utilize her investigative skills to figure this situation out.