Here’S Who Really Should Be Victor’S Secret Son On Days Of Our Lives

The big secret revealed by Victor’s Days of our Lives death is that Alex, for almost 30 years thought to be the biological son of Anjelica Deveraux and Justin Kiriakis, was actually fathered by Victor. Anyone watching the show when the original storyline went down clearly recalls that Anjelica was obsessed with Justin. She barely gave Victor the time of day.

Days of our Lives Baby Daddy

And if what she was after was a cash payout, then she’d have done much better with Victor (John Aniston) than with Justin (Wally Kurth). Instead, Anjelica (Jane Elliot) handed the tot over to Justin and Adrienne (Judi Evans) and pretty much removed herself from his life. So what’s the motivation here exactly? If DAYS wanted to throw a paternity shocker into the Victor mystery, there were two much better candidates.

DAYS: Out of Nowhere

Xander (Paul Telfer) popped out of nowhere, and for months, viewers couldn’t even figure out where he fits on the family tree. One of Xander’s favorite tactics for when he has done something particularly heinous is to sniffle about how his dad walked out on the family, and his mom was a drunk who paid him no mind.

Wouldn’t that background tale make perfect sense if Victor were his father? There never was some long-lost Kiriakis cousin who abandoned Mom. Mom was one of Victor’s castoffs — and one of his payoffs. He gave her money to keep her mouth shut and take care of the kid. She managed to accomplish one of those.

Days of our Lives: Just in Case

Victor loves Bo (Peter Reckell), Isabella, and Philip (John-Paul Lavoisier). But he met the latter two as adults, and Philip went from toddler to teen in the blink of an eye. This means the only child Victor even came close to raising was his “nephew,” Justin. Same story as above only, this time, Victor wanted a hand in getting to know his kid — as a friendly uncle. Both would have made more sense. And affected characters viewers are more attached to than the relatively still new Alex (Robert Scott Wilson).