Grey’S Anatomy Season 19’S Lucas & Simone Are Mirroring Legacy Couple

Among Grey’s Anatomy’s new interns, Lucas and Simone were soon established as possible love interests in season 19, but one new development makes their story surprisingly similar to that of another illustrious Grey’s Anatomy couple. Like Grey’s Anatomy season 1’s first interns, competition characterized the initial interactions of Grey’s Anatomy season 19’s new interns. However, once the toughness of the job started setting in, some interns were more easily drawn to each other than others, turning Lucas and Simone into a powerful duo that often had each other’s backs professionally in Grey’s Anatomy season 19.

The spark that lighted up between Simone and Lucas in Grey’s Anatomy season 19’s midseason finale couldn’t really be dimmed even if Simone stopped their heated kiss. The arrival of Simone’s ex-fiancé Trey in Grey’s Anatomy season 19, episode 8 made everything more difficult between Lucas and Simone romantically, but it also set the will they/won’t they dynamic as characteristic of Simone and Lucas as a pairing. Adding to their story Lucas’ love declaration in Grey’s Anatomy season 19, episode 18, only complicates their standing, but it also makes Simone and Lucas the romantic pairing more similar to Meredith and Derek’s than any other in Grey’s Anatomy’s many seasons.

Lucas’ Speech To Simone Calls Back To Meredith’s Pick Me Speech

While Lucas abandoning the man of honor position in Simone’s wedding already suggested his feelings for her, his speech in Grey’s Anatomy season 19, episode 18 explicitly confirmed them. However, in letting Simone know of his feelings for her, the purpose of Lucas’ words mirrored Meredith’s in her “pick me, choose me, love me” declaration in Grey’s Anatomy season 2, episode 5 to Derek. Not only did Lucas confess his feelings to Simone just like Meredith did, but he also emphasized how he truly saw her, something that Trey didn’t have time to do after their reconnection, still clinging to a version of Simone as she was before being kicked out of her residency program.

Just like Meredith backtracked, admitting to Derek that she loved him, Lucas finally had time to reflect on what he and Simone had and come clean about his feelings. Their situation is particularly reminiscent of Meredith, Addison, and Derek’s because Addison linked Derek to their past while he had already moved on, even if he didn’t know. Simone’s lower interest in the wedding, coupled with the pressure of going through with it as soon as possible because of her grandmother’s flailing health, could hide how she wished for something different than her previous self for her life, even if Simone couldn’t have admitted it to herself yet.

Grey’s Anatomy Season 19 Established Lucas & Simone As Similar To MerDer

Simone stopping their first kiss in Grey’s Anatomy season 19, episode 6 already hinted at things being difficult for them romantically because of her past, but that didn’t stop her from developing feelings for Lucas. While she never had a chance to verbalize them, Simone’s longing stares at Lucas throughout Grey’s Anatomy season 19 clearly implied she felt something for him. Lucas’ speech put everything out in the open, making it more difficult for Simone to ignore it and more significant for the drama it could cause in Grey’s Anatomy season 19 two-part finale.

Aside from the apparent similarities – Simone’s story of dealing with a mother figure having Alzheimer’s, Lucas literally being a Shepherd – Simone and Lucas’ story resembles Meredith and Derek’s because choosing to be together would cause cataclysmic consequences. The amount of things left unsaid for too long makes Simone and Lucas more similar to MerDer in a way that Jules and Kwan, or Mika and Taryn could never be because of the implications Simone and Lucas choosing each other would have, and the love triangle it inadvertently puts them in with Trey, just like Meredith, Derek, and Addison initially were. Hopefully, Simone’s choice will oppose Derek’s from Grey’s Anatomy season 2.