Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) wouldn’t take no for an answer on Grey’s Anatomy.
While presenting their research for a grant on the March 27 episode, Meredith and Amelia Shepherd (Caterina Scorsone) were shocked to learn that another team — lead by Tom Koracick (Greg Germann) — had shown similar research but were “several steps ahead.”
When they confronted him, Koracick informed them that he used their published abstract as “a starting point” to further his own research.
He added, “Chins up, only one of us needs to find a cure, right?”
While Meredith was impressed by Koracick’s research, she was underwhelmed by his cavalier attitude. When Meredith suggested he should focus on curing Alzheimer’s, he responded, “Well, sure. But when my work changes the face of medicine, everybody wins. Even you, Dr. Grey.”
Meredith voiced her frustrations to her boyfriend Nick Marsh (Scott Speedman), saying, “It’s a game to him. He’s never had to search for a grandmother who’s gone missing, or taking car keys away from a dad, or look into the eyes of a mother who’s alive but not there.”
“That’s something you have that he does not — passion,” Nick responded, adding that she needed to make a case for herself because it might be her “last shot.”
Taking Action
When Koracick pressed Meredith and Amelia on the need for their research, they turned the tables on him and demanded to know why he wasn’t using female mice in his studies after he called them “problematic.”
“So you’re not studying female mice, because their reproductive systems mess with your results,” Meredith shot back. “That’s pathetic and the most asinine excuse for sexism I’ve ever heard. No wonder no one’s ever cured Alzheimer’s, the men who have spent decades trying to do it have ignored the patients who need it the most.”
Despite their best efforts, Koracick won the grant, but Meredith decided it was time to take matters into her own hands and fund her own research to focus on females. She told Nick, “I know we just bought this house, but I have some savings. And I said this is personal, and it is.
He offered to become an “investor.” He added, “If I’m gonna bet on anybody, it’s you.”
An Unconventional Choice
After Teddy Altman’s (Kim Raver) revelation that she was attracted to Cass Beckman (Sophia Bush), she and Owen Hunt (Kevin McKidd) were at odds over their therapist’s suggestion to try an “unconventional marriage.”
“I am in love with you, but if we continue like this, I don’t want to lose you, but we both feel stifled and stuck,” Teddy told her husband. “I want to change this, but it doesn’t feel like you do.”
Owen later told Teddy that he didn’t want them to feel “stuck.” He added, “I’m willing to try something new if you want.”
They then agreed to try an open marriage and set up ground rules for the arrangement — including “no serious relationships or feelings.” They pair seal the deal by hooking up.
Leaving It at the Door
Jules Millin (Adelaide Kane) was surprised to see Adriana, a woman that she spent the night with, at the hospital. She later learned that Adriana was there as a patient advocate for a foster teen and was also Monica Beltran’s (Natalie Morales) ex-wife.
Adriana later told Jules to be “chill” about the situation, adding, “Monica’s cool with it.” But, Jules wasn’t so sure.
With her nerves in full swing, Jules accidentally punctured the teen’s heart causing her to panic and question if she should still be in the O.R. Monica warned her, “If you ask me one more time if I want you on this case, I’m going to lose my mind, focus and stay in lockstep.” They then proceeded with the surgery.
After the operation, Monica advised her, “No matter how hard it is, you cannot bring your personal life into the O.R.” Jules then decided to focus on medicine, vowed to swear of sex and asked Winston Ndugu (Anthony Hill) to be her mentor.
Flying Solo
Melissa, a patient with persistent abdominal pain, told Miranda Bailey (Chandra Wilson) and Lucas Adams (Niko Terho) that her daughters were “terrified that they’re gonna wake up one day without” her.
After overhearing Melissa describe how she had new allergies after menopause, Simone Griffin (Alexis Floyd) realized she may actually have carcinoid syndrome and performed a PET scan to check for a tumor without permission.
She later showed the scan — which showed a tumor — to Bailey and Richard Webber (James Pickens Jr.) and they allowed her to perform her first solo surgery to remove it.
When Lucas struggled with losing the surgery, Richard advised him, “Don’t beat yourself up over one loss surgery” as there would be many more to come. However, he still struggled with feeling not being up to par when he saw prospective interns as he may have to repeat his intern year due to a patient’s wrongful death.
Planning the Big Day
After getting engaged, Jo Wilson (Camilla Luddington) and Atticus “Link” Lincoln (Chris Carmack) didn’t see eye to eye on their wedding plans. He wanted a larger affair — with his parents in attendance — while she was hoping for “a really small wedding” with only their kids and a witness present.
Jo added that after having a large wedding already, she didn’t want to make their nuptials “a big deal.”
She later changed her mind, telling Link, “I want the wedding. I thought that I didn’t, because I’ve already done it before, but I’ve never done it with you. I want to.”
“I can’t wait to marry you,” he responded before the pair shared a kiss.
Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursdays at 10 p.m. ET on ABC.