Grey’S Anatomy Fans Agree This Is One Of Alex’S Funniest Moments

As an original “Grey’s Anatomy” cast member, Justin Chambers’ Alex Karev was as much the hospital’s resident bad boy as he was a central source of comic relief, combining his quick wit and devil-may-care attitude to provide some of the show’s best zingers.

According to fans, one of Alex’s funniest moments arrives in Season 15, when Alex finagles his way into an emergency surgery alongside Dr. Webber. “I’m just kicking the job’s ass before it kicks mine. Like your mother said,” Alex tells Webber, before Webber snaps back, telling Alex not to use his mother’s words against him. Alex then claps back with a not-so-charming anecdote from childhood that stops Webber in his tracks. “Well, let me tell you something my mother used to say. ‘Bats! There are bats everywhere, Alex, and they know everybody’s phone numbers.’ So how about you let me borrow your mom for a minute?”

“Legit one of my favorite moments in the entire series,” wrote u/Fitztragedy, who went on to gush about how Alex kept “Grey’s Anatomy” afloat in its later seasons.

Alex’s joke is a peek at his dark past

The doctors on “Grey’s Anatomy” are often confronted with the ugly truths of the healthcare system. In the Season 15 episode “Momma Knows Best,” Dr. Alex Karev circumvents medical ethics in order to treat a patient who otherwise couldn’t afford it, much to Dr. Webber’s chagrin. The episode is full of banter and exasperated stares between Alex and Webber, including the senior doctor’s priceless reaction to the zany bat rant. “Richard’s utterly baffled face really is the cherry on the cake,” noted u/halfmetaphor. “He looks like a shocked cartoon.”

Alex felt for the patient, knowing firsthand what it’s like to skip doctor visits and evade ambulance costs, having grown up in an unstable household and the foster care system. Alex’s dark past comes to light a number of times on “Grey’s Anatomy,” including during a visit from his estranged, abusive father, and references to his mentally ill mother. In true Alex fashion, he’s able to mine humor from his traumatizing upbringing and use his experiences to become a more empathetic doctor.

For some “Grey’s Anatomy” fans, the scene offered a relatable instance of making light of serious issues. “Literally one of my favorites. I was dealing with some serious ppd/mental illness issues and had a new son when this episode came out,” recalled u/Danyellarenae1. “I remember telling my aunt I didn’t want my kid saying this about me when he was older too,” she added, followed by several laughing emojis.