Every House Of The Dragon Character Who Survives The Dance Of The Dragons


The world of Game of Thrones is perilous for many, and only a small portion of the massive House of the Dragon ensemble survives the war. The House of the Dragon cast has brought depth and nuance to the historical figures created by George R.R. Martin in A Song of Ice & Fire and Fire & Blood, making them iconic characters in their own right. But like with the original HBO series, the show’s high stakes and the majority of its characters being split down two sides will result in numerous character deaths over the final two seasons.

Though Rhaenyra and Aegon II are currently the figureheads for both sides, the outcome of the Dance of the Dragons doesn’t see either of them end up on the Iron Throne. Both are killed before the conflict is over, along with many of their supporters. However, the Targaryen dynasty has to live on for at least another century, and then some before Robert’s Rebellion, so the series has to end with some characters alive to carry on. Character fates can be predicted by using Fire & Blood as a reference, though everything is subject to changes in House of the Dragon.

Alicent Hightower
Alicent Lives, But She’s Never Free

Alicent Hightower is perhaps the most important character in the series to survive the conflict, outliving most of her Hightower relatives, her husband, her lover, and all of her children. As one would expect from surviving all of that loss, Alicent isn’t really ever herself again after the war. She’s lost everything she cares about in the world and is confined to her chambers in the Red Keep for the remainder of her life.

She passes away just a year after the Dance ends due to sickness.

Given that House of the Dragon season 2’s ending saw Alicent admitting to a desire for freedom, her ending on the show will be even more tragic. She’s been written to be a more sympathetic character, and it will be horrible to see her spending her last days in isolation, muttering and weeping to herself. She passes away just a year after the Dance ends due to sickness.

Aegon III
Rhaenyra & Daemon’s Son Becomes King

Not to be confused with Aegon II, Aegon III is the son of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Daemon, and he’ll play a crucial role by the end of the series. In season 2, Aegon III was sent to the Vale with Rhaena before being shipped over to Pentos for safekeeping during the war. In Fire & Blood, he finds his way back to Westeros and is taken prisoner by Aegon II, who forces him to watch as his mother is executed. Aegon II returns to King’s Landing victorious but is backstabbed, leading to Aegon III inheriting the throne.

Aegon III is eventually remembered as “the Unworthy,” as the last dragon died during his reign.

To end the war, Aegon III is married to Aegon II’s daughter Jaehaera, and his offspring continue the Targaryen dynasty’s bloodline for a time. Aegon III is eventually remembered as “the Unworthy,” as the last dragon died during his reign. Having been present to see his mother killed by a dragon at a young age, Aegon III is considered scared of the beasts, and many believe he played a role in poisoning the last dragon.

Viserys II
Rhaenyra & Daemon’s Second Son Also Becomes King

Viserys II is the younger son of Rhaenyra and Daemon, who also rules the Seven Kingdoms further down the line. Aegon III is succeeded by his son Daeron I, who’s then succeeded by Baelor I, who dies before giving birth to an heir. This allowed Viserys II to become king, though only for the final two years of his life. Still, this made his son Aegon IV the rightful heir, continuing the Targaryen line through him.

It’s commonly said that Rhaenyra’s son ends up on the Iron Throne at the end of the Dance of the Dragons and that Daenerys is a descendant of hers. However, the common missing piece here is that the bloodline doesn’t pass through Aegon III and his sons but instead through Viserys II to eventually reach Daenerys and Jon Snow.

Jaehaera Targaryen
Aegon II & Helaena’s Daughter Becomes Queen

Jaehaera Targaryen is the daughter of King Aegon II and Queen Helaena Targaryen, who narrowly survived the Blood & Cheese assassination at the start of season 2. She’s still a small child right now in House of the Dragon, but she’s important going forward, as she’s eventually married to Aegon III and becomes the queen by the conclusion of the Dance of the Dragons.

Despite becoming queen, Jaehaera isn’t long for the world, as she dies by suicide at the age of 10, just two years after the war ends. Jaehaera’s death marks the end of King Viserys I and Alicent Hightower’s bloodline and the bloodline of the Green faction Targaryens. Aegon III remarries with Daenaera Velaryon, who births his many children.

Cregan Stark
Cregan Stark Lives Out His Days In Winterfell

Lord Cregan Stark of Winterfell was introduced at the beginning of House of the Dragon season 2, and though he won’t return for some time, he plays an important role at the war’s end. After Rhaenyra’s death and Aegon II retaking King’s Landing, the king finds himself faced with the remaining armies of the Blacks from the North and the Riverlands. Cregan Stark, who’d sworn an oath of brotherhood to Jacaerys Velaryon, intends to avenge the late prince.

Before a battle can happen, Aegon II is poisoned by his own supporters, and the Hour of the Wolf ensues. Cregan arrives in King’s Landing without bloodshed and has Aegon III instate him as Hand of the King. In his brief time as Hand, Cregan had those who had betrayed and poisoned Aegon II executed, including Lord Larys Strong, on account of such a dishonorable act. He then declines to continue serving as Hand and returns to Winterfell, living a long and prosperous life.


Alys Rivers
Alys Rivers’ Fate Is Still A Mystery

Alys Rivers plays a crucial role in one of the most climactic events in the Dance of the Dragons: Aegon and Daemon’s Battle Above the God’s Eye. After both Targaryen men die in battle, Alys lives on in control of Harrenhal. With Ser Simon Strong and Lord Larys dying. She becomes known as the Witch Queen, leading King’s Landing to send a force to reclaim the castle from her.

Ruling in Harrenhal, Alys Rivers claims to be the widow of Aemond Targaryen and claims to have birthed his son. She declares that their son is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne and defeats the forces who’d come to reclaim Harrenhal from her. This is where Fire & Blood leaves off, so her remaining story is a mystery.

Alyn Of Hull
Alyn Becomes The Lord Of The Tides

Alyn of Hull seems to have no interest in becoming Corlys Velaryon’s son or heir in House of the Dragon season 2, but he’ll eventually become both. Legitimized as Alyn Velaryon, he becomes the Lord of the Tides following his father’s death and becomes a renowned naval leader and ship captain in his own right. Alyn lives on to participate in many great voyages and wars.

At the end of the Dance of the Dragons, Alyn Velaryon helps reclaim Dragonstone from the traitors who’d backstabbed Rhaenyra, then goes on to marry Baela. Alyn lives for decades after the Dance ends, dying at sea under unknown circumstances, having lived a fulfilling life.

Rhaena Targaryen
Rhaena Has Two Husbands & Six Daughters

Rhaena Targaryen’s story could deviate in House of the Dragon, especially if she claims Sheepstealer and becomes a dragonrider soon. In Fire & Blood, she remains in the Vale for the entirety of the war, as her dragon, Morning, is too young and small to be ridden. It’s not until Aegon III’s coronation that she returns to King’s Landing and reunites with Baela.

Like her sister, Rhaena finds marriage after the Dance ends, initially marrying Ser Corwyn Corbray. This helped bolster her political position, as she was Aegon III’s heir for a time following the war’s end, being one of the only remaining Targaryens. Ser Corwyn died only a few years later, and Rhaena eventually remarried with Garamond Hightower, whom she had six daughters with.

Baela Targaryen
Baela Marries Alyn Velaryon

Baela played a more active role in the Dance of the Dragons in Martin’s book, even being responsible for dealing the final blows to King Aegon II’s dragon, Sunfyre. Sadly, she loses Moondancer in the process and is taken prisoner on Dragonstone. Aegon II doesn’t execute her, hoping it will appease Lord Corlys Velaryon, who he still needs politically. Thus, she barely manages to survive the war.

Like with Rhaena, the council of regents ruling in King’s Landing after the Dance of the Dragon’s ending considers potential marriage alliances to form with Baela. However, she flees the city and escapes to Driftmark, where she marries Alyn instead. The two have a tumultuous marriage, and it’s unknown when exactly she passes away.

Corlys Velaryon
Corlys Velaryon Narrowly Evades Execution

Corlys Velaryon is another character who narrowly survives the war, with his relations with Rhaenyra severed. He takes part in plotting with Larys Strong to end the war, poisoning Aegon II, which almost causes Cregan Stark to have him executed. Baela and Rhaena come to his defense, allowing him to be spared, and he serves on Aegon III’s council of regents for the final years of his life.

Corlys Velaryon manages to survive the Dance of the Dragons, but he dies shortly after at age 79, making him a tremendously old character by the standards of Westeros. The Sea Snake’s legacy lives on as one of the greatest men in the continent’s history, having fought in multiple wars, traveled farther than most had even dreamed, and accumulated wealth and power that brought House Velaryon to its peak.

Tyland Lannister
Tyland Becomes Hand Of The King

House of the Dragon season 2 saw Tyland Lannister sent across the Narrow Sea to bring the Triarchy over to the Greens’ side, something that doesn’t exactly happen in the book. Therefore, it’s difficult to predict where his narrative will lead, but the book sees him tortured and mutilated by Rhaenyra’s side when she retakes King’s Landing. He survives her rule long enough for Aegon II to retake King’s Landing, though he doesn’t take part in the king’s poisoning like the other lords.

Tyland Lannister was bestowed as King Aegon III’s hand following the end of the Dance of the Dragons, acting on his behalf for the next two years. Like Alicent, Tyland succumbs to the outbreak of Winter Fever, an awful epidemic just shortly after the war’s end. Whether Tyland’s narrative changes on House of the Dragon or not is to be seen, but he’ll likely survive the show.

