Did Days’ Steve Johnson Give Tripp Good Romantic Advice?

Sad, rejected Tripp thought Wendy was about to choose Johnny over him on Days of our Lives. (Spoiler: She didn’t.) So he went to his dad, Steve Johnson, not so much for advice as for sympathy.

Days of our Lives Polling

Steve (Stephen Nichols) gave his son advice, anyway. But was it useful? Here’s what almost 2,000 voters thought about it.

Steve Johnson: You’re From the Past

Steve’s advice was great, 9% agree…if it was still the 1980s. Back in the 1980s, when Steve was earning his romance bona fides with Kayla (Mary Beth Evans), you were expected to make grand, romantic gestures. You were expected to fight for the woman you love. You were expected to never, ever give up. Because, back in the 1980s, women were expected not to know their own minds. Good thing Tripp (Lucas Adams) filled Steve in on how the world had changed since then.

Jumping the DAYS Gun

An almost equal 10% are happy that Steve’s advice didn’t prove necessary, since Wendy (Victoria Grace) opted for Tripp, after all. Otherwise, Steve would have sounded pretty silly, waxing poetic about grand, sweeping love stories when the girl in question wasn’t interested in Tripp. Wendy is a 21st-century woman. She selected Tripp on her own without being manipulated into it.

Listen Closely, Steve Johnson

There was nothing wrong with Steve’s advice, 81% of the audience insists. If Tripp wants Wendy, he should fight for her. No, not by challenging Johnny (Carson Boatman) to a duel. No, not by refusing to leave her apartment — which, technically, is also his, so he does have some rights — when she asked him to. And, no, not by pretending that she doesn’t know her own mind.

But, he can help Wendy better make up her own mind by filling her in on facts she might not know yet. Such as that, Johnny is a flake who has never stuck to anything — job or woman — in his life. Fighting for your woman doesn’t mean pistols at dawn. It can mean continuing to be your own sweet self until Wendy realizes for herself who the better man is. Which she did. Even without Steve’s help.

His particular advice may have been old-fashioned, but the overall theme was not. Don’t, as Tripp said, stalk the woman. Don’t pressure her. Don’t even tell her she’s made the wrong choice. Just keep being you, and let her see for herself. After all, Tripp isn’t a knife-wielding, kidnapping, threatening thug who has to prove he’s a sweet soul underneath like Steve needed to back in the day. That may be the key difference.