Days Weekly Spoilers: Jealousy, Secrets, And Big Demands

These Days of our Lives spoilers tease dueling marriage proposals, a demand for a lie by omission, and so much more. This will be a week you won’t want to miss!

Days of our Lives Spoilers Highlights

Upon learning that Eric (Greg Vaughan) plans to propose to Sloan (Jessica Serfaty) — and pull out all the stops — Nicole (Arianne Zucker) can but brood. But it’s not because she wants to be with Eric, that much she makes crystal clear to an inquiring EJ (Dan Feuerriegel). It’s just that she doesn’t trust that sneaky snake Sloan farther than she can throw her.

For his part, EJ attempts to be the sounding board that Nicole needs — a test though it be. At the conclusion of Nicole’s ranting, EJ again broaches the subject of the two of them tying the knot. And not to one-up Eric, mind you. But because he really, really loves Nicole. Look for Nicole to hem and haw in response.

DAYS Spoilers: Mum’s The Word

One trip to Chicago later, and Maggie (Suzanne Rogers) is now the wiser when it comes to her daughter’s delicate condition. On the one hand, Maggie is thrilled to learn that she’s about to be made a grandmother four times over. On the other hand, she’s seriously put out that Sarah hadn’t confided the truth to her much earlier.

Equally disconcerting to Maggie (and possibly even more so) is her eventual rumbling of a very inconvenient truth — namely, that Xander (Paul Telfer) is the father of the gestating wee one — and Sarah’s insistence that her mother keeps mum. Secret keeping has never been one of Maggie’s strong suits. Even when she was carrying on with Neil, she wasn’t too discreet.

Days of our Lives Spoilers: Odds and Ends

In other DAYS spoilers news, Kayla (Mary Beth Evans) counsels a troubled Abe (James Reynolds), Harris (Steve Burtin) and Ava (Tamara Braun) bond at Bayview, and a guilt-riddled Shawn’s (Brandon Beemer) promotion prompts an even guiltier feeling…and mixed reactions from Salemites at large.

Meanwhile, in light of Sweet Bits coming under fire (yes, AGAIN), put-out, put-upon proprietress Chanel Dupree (Raven Bowens) turns to Johnny (Carson Boatman) for comfort.

Finally, DAYS spoilers have Belle (Martha Madison) and Chloe (Nadia Bjorlin) getting into a scrap — but what could possibly precipitate the Last Blasters’ public confrontation?