Days Spoilers Wild Speculation: Devilish Little Rachel Plots Daddy’S Murder

Rachel is quite a temperamental child, and DAYS spoilers tease her attitude isn’t going to be adjusted anytime soon. She’s holding a grudge against her dad and didn’t think twice about calling the cops and ratting him out. What happens if she still doesn’t get what she wants after that? How low will this kiddo go?

DAYS Spoilers Wild Speculation

Rachel (Finley Rose Slater) has made no secret that she’s #TeamMommy and wants nothing more than to be with Kristen (Stacy Haiduk). Rachel may love her daddy, but she loves her mommy more! Just look at all the sneaky things she’s done to stay connected to her mom. She’s called herself an Uber to the prison, ran away from camp, and hid in the tunnels.

But, none of that has gotten Rachel her way. Her father still refuses to bend to her will and allow her to be around her mother. Brady (Eric Martsolf) is standing strong! We predict Rachel is about to stand stronger…by plotting to take out her father!

Wait, what?! You may ask. Doesn’t that seem extreme? Yes. Yes, it does. But, let’s not forget Rachel is half DiMera, so statistically, it’s only a matter of time before she plots someone’s death like all those wonderful DiMera women who have come before her. It’s in her blood. It’s in her DNA.

DAYS: Just A Little Crazy

We can see it now, Rachel’s attempt to jail Brady doesn’t work out, and she goes off the rails. Not only does Brady decides he’s not going to share custody, but he also banishes Kristen from ever seeing their daughter. He’s had enough, and he means business.

This will cause Rachel to spiral like never before. She’s done throwing tantrums to get her way. She knows it’s going to take something much, much more devious and evil to make Daddy give up the fight. As long as Brady is living and breathing, she’ll never see her mom. So, she decides to make him stop living and breathing.

But, how?! Will she go the fast and furious route now that she knows where Daddy hides his gun? Will she be sneaky and slip some poison into his coffee every morning until he dies? Could it be something cold and callous, like pushing him down some stairs or setting up a trip wire to take him out?

Days of our Lives: A Very Broken Child

We can’t see her plan working. In fact, we predict it will backfire big time. Rachel will be forced to go for a vacation at a children’s home for the criminally insane and lose access to her much-loved mother (and her father). This stay away may even do her some good and give her some perspective. They say a little therapy goes a long way. A whole lot of therapy may just fix what’s broken inside this demon child. Think this wild speculation could really happen?