Days Spoilers Speculation: Xander Finds Out He’S Victor’S Son

DAYS spoilers keep finding new people who know that Theresa doctored the letter that claimed Alex was Victor’s son when it was really Xander. As we learned from Pretty Little Liars, two can keep a secret if one of them is dead. And, so far, all the players are still alive. So, who will be the one to lead Xander to the truth?

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Theresa (Emily O’Brien) didn’t just change the letter from Xander’s (Paul Telfer) mother because she hates Xander. She also did it because she knows that she has a chance with Alex (Robert Scott Wilson). He’s already hot and sexy. Why not add rich to the equation? Except Theresa has never been one to keep a secret. She’s a blabber. So maybe she’ll be the one to clue Xander in. Especially the first time that Alex pisses her off. Or, God help him, Alex dumps her!

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Konstantin (John Kapelos) has already clarified that his only motive is money. Theresa promised him some cash to help her pull this scheme off, so he is Team Theresa. But if Konstantin decides he can make more for Xander, he’ll change sides in an instant. He might even decide that he wants everything Victor ever had — which includes his wife, Maggie (Suzanne Rogers). And wouldn’t it be nice if Alex isn’t in the way, demanding his 50%?

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But even if Theresa and Konstantin manage to keep mum, there have still got to be loose ends. Would Victor (John Aniston) really only have one document confirming Xander’s parentage? Would all the evidence be in Xander’s mother’s letter? He had to have made some other legal provisions. And now that Alex is running Titan, he’s in prime position to run across it. The only question is, will he share what he finds with Xander? What would be in it for Alex?