Days Spoilers Speculation: Rafe Takes A Bold New Step


DAYS spoilers predict Rafe refusing to take his most recent setbacks lying down. He is finally going to fight for what — and who — he wants.

DAYS Spoilers Speculation

What’s Rafe (Galen Gering) planning? And how will it work out? Here’s what fans predicted they will see happen next in Salem.

Days of our Lives: Who’s the Boss?

Enough with the police work, 6% of the audience commands. For starters, Rafe isn’t very good at it. He keeps arresting the wrong people and letting the right people go. Now would be an excellent time to accept that it may be his dream job, but it’s not where his aptitude lies. Rafe would be better off in a place where he can walk around and look like he’s keeping an eye on things. Without needing to get any results. He should be head of security at DiMera or Titan. That seems more up his alley.


DAYS: Digging It Up

Black Patch Detective Agency is only John Black (Drake Hogestyn) and Steve “Patch” Johnson (Stephen Nichols). They need an employee. Why not Rafe, 36% of you predict. Rafe is better at taking orders than giving them. And he shouldn’t be the boss. When Rafe is the boss, no one can look over his shoulder and check his stupidity. Rafe will be more effective if he has grownups checking his work.

DAYS: Digging It Up

Black Patch Detective Agency is only John Black (Drake Hogestyn) and Steve “Patch” Johnson (Stephen Nichols). They need an employee. Why not Rafe, 36% of you predict. Rafe is better at taking orders than giving them. And he shouldn’t be the boss. When Rafe is the boss, no one can look over his shoulder and check his stupidity. Rafe will be more effective if he has grownups checking his work.
