Days Spoilers Speculation: Johnny’S Heart Really Belongs To Chanel

DAYS spoilers have Johnny DiMera saying one thing but doing another when it comes to love. That’s not so hard to believe since he comes from explosive stock — after all, he’s the son of Sami and EJ and these two aren’t exactly known for being straightforward.

DAYS Spoilers Speculation

Soap Hub wanted to know from viewers where Johnny’s (Carson Boatman) heart truly lies (since he does so many confusing things), and you were ready with your own prediction. Find out what that is below.

DAYS: She’s Got Spunk

It may not be a lot, but 5% speculate that it’s Wendy (Victoria Grace) who truly has his heart. She’s spunky, she’s adorable, and how could he resist? Johnny says she’s the one, and you believe him. He’s not shy. If he didn’t feel that way, he wouldn’t say it, you feel. So you expect to see him fight Tripp (Lucas Adams) for her heart.

DAYS Spoilers: Move On

Perhaps Johnny seems so wishy-washy because none of the contenders for his heart that he’s met so far fit the bill. That’s why 19% of you predict that in order for him to find true love and his forever soulmate, he’ll have to find someone new. You know that deep down, Johnny has a fire within that can burn bright — he simply hasn’t met his match.

DOOL: One True Pairing

Not so fast, speculate the remaining 76% who say that Chanel (Raven Bowens) is the woman who truly has his heart. Why else does he forget Wendy even exists whenever Chanel has a problem? He wants to help her solve it, he wants to protect her from it, and he wants to be there for her every step of the way. If that’s not love and devotion, then you don’t know what this is.