Days Spoilers Speculation: Gwen Faces Leo’S Affair With Dimitri

We don’t need DAYS spoilers to know that Gwen has to find out her BFF has been sleeping with her new husband…eventually. Secrets aren’t allowed to stay secret for long in Salem. And Leo is incapable of keeping his mouth shut in general, much less about something so juicy. So how will Gwen react when it blows up in her face?

DAYS Spoilers Speculation: Double Bind

The way we see it, Gwen (Emily O’Brien) has two choices: She can laugh, shrug, and ask, “Who hasn’t slept with their best friend’s man and broken their heart?” Or she can never, ever forgive the one man she actually trusted…before she stupidly decided to expand that circle and add Dimitri (Peter Porte) into the mix.

The sad part, we think Gwen and Leo (Greg Rikaart) will be more crushed than Dimitri. After all, the spoiled DiMera heir will have only lost a fortune. Gwen and Leo will have lost their essential person. Their lobster, if you will. Gwen’s been screwed over by guys before. Mostly because she keeps throwing herself at men in love with another woman. At least Dimitri isn’t that.

Days of our Lives: Paved With Good Intentions

Leo means more to Gwen than Dimitri ever did. Which is why that’s the relationship she should spend all her efforts on fixing. Or, rather, Leo should hit the floor, get on his knees, and beg Gwen for her forgiveness.

Which she will grant him. Eventually. After lots and lots and lots of groveling. Because it’s what they both know they want. Men come and go. Even great men. Best friends are much harder to find.

First, Gwen needs to find out about Leo and Dimitri. Then she needs to be furious with Leo over Dimitri. And then she needs to forgive Leo about Dimitri. At which point, they can both seek revenge — on Dimitri.