Days Spoilers Speculation: Alex Breaks Up Stephanie And Chad

DAYS spoilers promise many, many more scenes of shirtless Alex showing up on Stephanie and Chad’s doorstep. Even if Chad and Stephanie were the most meant-to-be, solid, unbreakable couple in Salem, repeated viewings of Alex’s chest could give anyone second thoughts. And Stephanie and Chad are…not that. Which means there is plenty of opportunity for Alex to break them up.

DAYS Spoilers Speculation: Here To Stay

Sure, Stephanie (Abigail Klein) and Chad (Billy Flynn) think they’re in this for the long haul. And we don’t blame them. They’re already acting like an old married couple. From the start, their dates consisted of playing Mommy and Daddy with Thomas and Charlotte. And now they’re all living together. Like one big, happy family. That’s sweet. But it’s not romantic. And it’s not hot. On the other hand, Alex (Robert Scott Wilson) is hot.

Days of our Lives: Option Three

Of course, there is always the possibility that Stephanie will realize she’s made a mistake with Chad. She may also blame Alex for forcing her to recognize that possibility. She might dump one but not necessarily hook up with the other. Maybe Stephanie will opt for what’s behind Door Number Three — plenty of other DiMeras besides Chad. There’s Johnny (Carson Boatman). And there’s EJ (Dan Feuerriegel). He had a thing for Chad’s first wife. So maybe he’ll like Stephanie, too.

DAYS Spoilers: Countdown Clock

Alex may speed up the Chad and Stephanie break-up process, but they’re already doomed. Chad is too quick to explode whenever Stephanie isn’t exclusively focused on him, and Stephanie is…rarely exclusively focused on him.

They both have busy jobs, add the kids — whom Stephanie loves, but they aren’t hers — and there is barely any time to spend as a young, in-love couple. We only hope that the lease they signed won’t be too hard to break. We doubt they’ll make it to the end of it.