Days Recap: Wendy Shows Off Her Criminal Mastermind Side

In the Days of our Lives recap for September 13, 2023, Wendy Shin proves that she’s a chip off the old (crime family) block.

Days of our Lives Recap Highlights

In addition, EJ shuts up the assassination-bungling assassin he employed, Chanel lets Talia down as gently as she can, and Shawn continues to wallow in self-pity and booze. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what happened.

Days of our Lives Recap: A Sort Of Homecoming

Ever the gent, Tripp (Lucas Adams) profusely apologized to Wendy (Victoria Grace) for having to cut their romantic sojourn short, only for Wendy to insist that he had nothing to be sorry for. After all, his mother just survived a hit and then took flight. How can that be his fault?

After momentarily parting ways and heading to their respective bedrooms, Tripp was surprised to find Ava (Tamara Braun) and Harris (Steve Burton) casually hanging around in his; Wendy, on the other hand, reacted to walking in and finding the trio deep in conspiratorial conversation as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

Ava relayed how she was sure that it was EJ (Dan Feuerriegel) who sent the hired gun in her direction and that he’d try and try again. She also shared how visions of Susan (Stacy Haiduk) — possibly psychic projections — had convinced her that her would-be victim was actually alive and well and somewhere in London.

Tripp scoffed and wondered how the two expected to get out of the country. Enter Wendy who could forge the Hell out of fake IDs — surely fake passports would be a snap…if she had some actual passports that she could doctor. And she did — hers and Tripp’s.

In no time flat, Wendy had Ava and Harris photographed, passport documents dummied — the intrepid duo were now Anna Scott and William Thacker AKA Julia Roberts’s and Hugh Grant’s characters in Notting Hill, Wendy’s favorite movie — and Harris and Ava were well on their way. Walmart couldn’t have done it better or faster.

DAYS Recap: Off The Hook

Despite Jada’s (Elia Cantu) best efforts, she couldn’t quite convince Joyce-the-murder-lady to rat on the person responsible for siccing her on Ava, not even when she recited a most incriminating exchange between the femme and her boss — namely, “Why haven’t I heard from you? Is Ava out of the picture yet?”

Soon EJ was in the room insisting that he was there as legal counsel and certainly not, as Jada implied, looking to convince his hired help to keep mum. Jada issued some pretty solid warnings to Joyce and then took her leave. EJ, for his part, groused about his plan backfiring spectacularly and promised that he’d still get his revenge against Ava.

DOOL Recap: Kiss And Tell

Meanwhile, after a most lovely exchange with Belle (Martha Madison), a doe-eyed Talia (Aketra Sevillian) showed up at Chanel’s (Raven Bowens) door with flowers, very much putting a damper on Chanel and Johnny’s (Carson Boatman) reunion.

Once Johnny had exited, Chanel pulled Talia inside and gave her the whole “it’s not you, it’s me” speech — or, more precisely, the “it’s not you, it’s me wanting to get back together with my ex-husband whom I only divorced because the Devil made us do it” speech.

Talia blubbered that she should have seen this coming. Things were going far too well for her as of late. Chanel asserted that Talia truly did deserve all the good things in her life, but all Talia could do was curse herself for having told Chanel how she felt about her in the first place.

Days of our Lives Recap: Demon In A Bottle

Having made an absolute fool of himself by showing up to the no-tell motel previously occupied by Ava and Harris smelling of booze and blundering into the furniture, Shawn (Brandon Beemer) doubled down on his bad behavior by throwing Belle’s multiple acts of adultery up in her face and stalking off to go and consume yet more drink.

Shawn’s trek led him to the Brady Pub where he asked to join Talia, who was also drowning her sorrows. Opposite this, Belle placed a pathetic call to her husband while Chanel joined Johnny at the DiMera mansion to pick up where they left off.