Days Recap: Uh-Oh, Ej Gave Dr. Sorenson His Dna Sample

In the Days of our Lives recap for July 25, 2023, EJ is persuaded to let famed neonatologist Dr. Sorenson take a cheek swab. What could possibly go wrong?

Days of our Lives Recap Highlights

In addition, Eric and Sloan disseminate the news of their pregnancy, Melinda gets a little insight into herself, Kristen comes through for Brady in a big way (for a price, natch), and Wendy (Victoria Grace) learns a bit more about her beau. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

Days of our Lives Recap: To The Test

At University Hospital, EJ (Dan Feuerriegel) got acquainted with Dr. Sorenson (Lisagaye Tomlinson) — you may remember that he and Kristen (Stacy Haiduk) were really rather indisposed the last time the medico was in town giving Nicole (Arianne Zucker) the once over.

After the pleasantries, EJ attempted to excuse himself, but Dr. Sorenson stymied his exit. She’d much rather start by examining him. Not a full-blown medical examination mind you, just a swab of his DNA. She can see from past records that they have the DNA of an Eric Brady (Greg Vaughan) on file, but not EJ’s. Weird in and of itself.

That necessitated Nicole explaining that there had been a slight chance that Eric was the father of her baby, but that they had cleared that mess up weeks ago. So, with that being the case, why did the good doctor need EJ’s DNA? Why, so she could check genetic markers and the like.
That mess cleared up, EJ opened his mouth and the cotton swab was inserted, and the deed was done. Finito. Now that wasn’t so hard, was it? On to giving Nicole her checkup.

DAYS Recap: Maybe Baby

At Small Bar, Melinda (Tina Huang) welcomed a testy Sloan (Jessica Serfaty) and bid her sit and enjoy the martini she’d ordered. Surely there were no hard feelings. After all, there was no way the judge wasn’t going to throw the book at Colin (Jasper Newman). Melinda’s case was to dang solid.

Sloan had to admit that what Melinda said was true. Still, she couldn’t help but grouse about the harsh sentence her brother received. Also, she wasn’t about to drink that martini. Not because she didn’t like them, and not because it was offered by Melinda. No, Sloan was abstaining because…she’s pregnant!

That one took Melinda by surprise. Sloan, pregnant? Surely it wasn’t something that was planned. Is she keeping it? Of course, she’s keeping it! Heck, it was her plan to get pregnant in the first place. And no, it’s not merely a case of giving Eric the baby that he didn’t have with Nicole. Sloan wants babies too. They’ll be the family that she no longer has.

DOOL Recap: The Mother Load

Over at the Black family’s heavily trafficked townhouse, Brady (Eric Martsolf) opened the door to a disapproving Eric who demanded to know how his brother could be so unbelievably stupid. (How’s that for a greeting?)

Brady granted that holding a gun on Kristen probably wasn’t the wisest of moves. In fact, it was probably reckless. It was certainly wrong. But, in Brady’s defense, he was desperate. And desperate people do stupid, unwise, reckless, and wrong things.

Opposite this, Belle (Martha Madison) talked her way into the DiMera mansion much to Kristen’s chagrin. The legal eagle put a question to the villainess: What’s more important to her? Having the upper hand with Brady or actually doing what’s in her child’s best interest? Because if it’s the latter, then what’s best for Rachel (Finley Rose Slater) is having both parents be a part of her life.

So, what, exactly, does Belle want from Kristen? For her to retract her statement against Brady and not send the father of her child to prison, that’s what. And what’s in it for Kristen, exactly? Shared custody of Rachel, suggested Belle.

Days of our Lives Recap: History Repeats Itself

Back at Small Bar, Melinda confided in Sloan about her sabotaging her dinner date with Li (Remington Hoffman) in an attempt to get him to confess to orchestrating the hit on Stefan (Brandon Barash) — despite actually enjoying herself — while Li did much the same but with Tripp and Wendy.

Sloan floated the idea of Melinda trying to make it up to Li, but Madame D.A. didn’t think that would wash. Likewise, Tripp and Wendy’s suggestion that Li give Melinda another chance was met with the ultimate skepticism. In fact, Li declared that if never saw Melinda again, it would be too soon. Irony of ironies, the two were paired up for yet another blind date that same night.

DAYS Recap: Fresh Hell

Having been apprised of Sloan’s condition and how she’d initially been motivated to get pregnant to give Eric the baby he’s always wanted, Brady could but term Sloan selfless — a word he’d never before associated with the ambulance chaser.

Equally, as flummoxing was Belle’s revelation that he had but two choices: either go to jail for attempted murder or share custody of his daughter with a lunatic (Brady’s take on the ultimatum). After huffing and puffing and hearing Kristen not only recant but drop all charges, Brady finally relented. But he wasn’t happy about it.

DOOL Recap: Past Imperfect

By way of attempting to explain away Melinda’s more mercenary behaviors, Tripp had mentioned Haley Chen. When Wendy later asked for some more info on the young woman, Tripp casually mentioned that they had been married. But only so that Haley could get a green card. Not that Tripp didn’t love her. He did. So much. But she wasn’t interested.