Days Recap: Stephanie’S Ex Comes Crawling Back

In the Days of our Lives recap for October 30, 2023, Everett Lynch surprised Stephanie with quite the tale.

Days of our Lives Recap Highlights

In addition, Marlena counseled troubled Li, Stefan and Gabi put their heads together to scheme, and Nicole and EJ settled on a date for the wedding. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what happened.

Days of our Lives Recap: Ex Factor

At the Brady Pub, Chad (Billy Flynn) complained to Kate (Lauren Koslow) that he and Stephanie (Abigail Klein) were not on the same page (about much of anything) and that it turned into a fight. A big fight. Massive. The worst (and one of the first) that they’ve ever had.

Kate deduced that Abigail was the source of the friction and insisted that Chad stick around and vent further. And, vent Chad did. He moaned that Stephanie had just been telling him what he wanted to hear where the subject of marriage was concerned. He was disappointed that she was disappointed. But he also saw her side. Abigail does indeed loom large over everything.

Maybe he moved on too fast. But, maybe Stephanie doesn’t understand what it’s like to love and lose someone the way he loved and lost Abigail. After all, she’d only been involved with Alex (Robert Scott Wilson) and that guy from Seattle. Oh yeah, that guy from Seattle. Maybe he was the reason she wanted to “nail” him down, and force him into getting married. It was just because she didn’t want to get ghosted again. Maybe.

Speaking of that guy from Seattle who ghosted Steph….his name is Everett (Blake Berris), and he’s in Salem. Stephanie was floored to find him standing outside his door and even more so when he claimed to have spent the last several years either in a car-crash-induced coma or recovering from his car-crash-induced coma.

Even more shocking to Steph was Everett’s declaration that he still loved her as much as he did the day he headed for the post office and got sideswiped. That’s a problem. A big problem. Huge. She thought that he dumped her and she moved on. Well and truly on. But no, she isn’t married or even engaged. Definitely not.

DAYS Recap: On The Edge

Though she was expecting “an emergency patient,” Marlena was still startled to see a disheveled Li Shin (Remington Hoffman) come into her office. Li thanked Marlena for sparing the time. He didn’t think he could wait another day to speak to her. He feared that he was losing his mind.

Of course, it was all due to his obsession with Gabi (Camila Banus). She was in his thoughts, his dreams. He wanted to get past her. He needed to get past her. In the spirit of proving to Marlena that he was willing to put in the time and the effort, Li copped to being in on the plot to assassinate Stefan (Brandon Barash). If that didn’t prove he was sincere, what will?

Opposite this, Gabi filled Stefan in on the events of last All Hallows’ Eve — you know, the one where several characters rose from the dead thanks to Satan and ran amuck. Afterward, the two shifted their focus to obtaining control of DiMera Enterprises. Their ace in the hole? Li Shin! Gabi won’t even have to sleep with him. Oh no. They’ll just get the goods on him (the ones that link him to the attempted murder of Stefan) and blackmail him. Easy peasy.

DOOL Recap: Family Matters

At the DiMera mansion, EJ (Dan Feuerriegel) took out his frustrations on some barware. Nicole (Arianne Zucker) was anything but amused and took her lover to task. Why was he so angry that Gabi and Stefan did to him something that he’d have no problem doing to them?

Also, does he have any idea how he makes her feel the vast majority of the time? Invisible. Unimportant. Like she and the baby don’t matter.

EJ granted that he sometimes loses track of what’s important, what really matters. He promised he wouldn’t lose track again. He swore. Nicole wasn’t sure she could buy it, but eventually, she did. Leap of faith and all that.

Soon the two were debating when to finally tie the knot. Nicole objected to getting married on Halloween…but she didn’t mind November 1.