Days Recap: Sloan Successfully Baby Trapped Eric

In the Days of our Lives recap for July 20, 2023, Eric and Sloan learn that they are expecting. He’s pleased as punch; she’s…pleased that he’s pleased.

Days of our Lives Recap Highlights

In addition, Melinda has a good thing going until she blows it all to Hell, Johnny fills Rafe in on Nicole’s (Arianne Zucker) business, Rafe fills Jada (Elia Cantu) in on a secret, and Wendy and Tripp put a moratorium on passion — for now. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

Days of our Lives Recap: Crisis Management

Despite knowing better — seriously, she’s supposed to be a master schemer — Sloan (Jessica Serfaty) loudly declares into her phone to Colin, who’s on the other end, that no, Eric (Greg Vaughan) still doesn’t know that he’s potentially the father of Nicole’s baby. Yes, he’s still in the dark.

Now, the whole “still being in the dark” thing comes as a surprise to Eric, whom Sloan was surprised to find surfing on her couch. What was he in the dark about, exactly? [Thank goodness Sloan was still outside the apartment when she blabbed the actual secret!]

Sloan hemmed and hawed and eventually admitted that she was keeping something from him. And that something was…was…was the fact that she was late. Late “late.” As in, she might be pregnant…late. But, only by a couple of days, so also, possibly not.

Not wanting to take that risk, Eric ran out into the night to the nearest drug store and returned with a home pregnancy test. And even though they say a watched pee-stick never reveals its answers [that is the expression, right?], in no time flat, two lines appeared. Sloan is most definitely, absolutely, no doubt about it pregnant. Haza!

DAYS Recap: Tunnel Vision

At Small Bar, Melinda (Tina Huang) and Li (Remington Hoffman) found out that they had yet more in common: they both adore salmon. They also enjoy films, even if her favorite is Casablanca, and he can’t decide between The Godfather trilogy and Citizen Kane. And also Jordan Peele’s Nope. Nope is also amazing.

Melinda admitted to not really being much of a dater — not since her divorce from that “abusive son of a bitch” — and copped to having a bit of a soft spot for women like Talia Hunter (Aketra Sevillian). Ah yes, Talia. How Melinda hopes she will make good use of her second chance.

Li declared that he liked seeing this side of Melinda. She usually scares him. Melinda, in turn, appreciated getting to know Li a whole lot better…but what she’d really appreciate is him ‘fessing up to brainwashing Harris Michaels (Steve Burton) and issuing the order to kill Stefan (Brandon Barash).

Melinda promised Li that whatever he said would stay between them, but the recorder that Li found when he stooped to going through her handbag begged to differ. After Li stormed off, Melinda decided that she screwed up royally.

DOOL Recap: Ex Marks The Spot

Having caught sight of Rafe (Galen Gering) sitting all alone at a table in the town square, Johnny (Carson Boatman) joined him and expressed disdain for Rafe’s treatment at the hands of Salem’s acting mayor. Talk soon turned to Jada, and Johnny said that he was happy for Rafe — not for the whole losing his job thing, but for finding someone new.

The men raked over the coals what was Rafe’s disastrous marriage to Nicole — which ended with her running back to Eric, natch — and Johnny let slip that Nicole was pregnant with EJ’s (Dan Feuerriegel) baby and that the paternity had been in question for quite some time.

The two then decided to head for the Brady Pub for a beer, and entered the establishment just as a frustrated Jada bellowed to Talia that making love to Rafe was “the bomb!”

After a group giggle, Rafe took Jada aside and told her all about Lani (Sal Stowers) going MIA and asked for her assistance; Jada happily agreed to provide it. Meanwhile, Johnny put Talia on notice: if she ever hurts Chanel (Raven Bowens) again, she’ll have him to deal with.

Days of our Lives Recap: Next Steps

Assured by Tripp (Lucas Adams) that he wouldn’t be able to make their date night, Wendy (Victoria Grace) doffed her duds, slapped on a face mask, and set about binge-watching Body and Soul. But, no sooner had she got comfortable and really into the plot than Tripp barreled through the door ready to whisk her away to The Bistro.

The couple settled on a night in instead, and very nearly made love for the first time. They would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn’t been for the pesky topic of Johnny rearing up or even peskier Li dampening the mood.

Opposite this, Nicole informed EJ that, should they wish it, they could learn the sex of their baby the next day. EJ was all for that; Nicole not so much. She wasn’t exactly enamored of the idea of getting attached to a baby that she might well indeed lose.