Days Recap: Kristen May Have Made A Fatal Slip Of The Tongue

In the Days of our Lives recap for August 30, 2023, Kristen makes a complicated situation even more so when she spoke before thinking.

Days of our Lives Recap Highlights

In addition, Leo and Sonny crossed paths, Chad gave Alex food for thought, and Gabi and Stefan got ever closer to uncovering Kristen and Dimitri’s secret. Unfortunately, the pair got tripped up by thinking every male in the DiMera family was straight. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what happened.

Days of our Lives Recap: Oopsie Daisy

No sooner had Kristen (Stacy Haiduk) gotten off the phone with a flustered Elliot Roth (Darren Richardson) than Dimitri (Peter Porte) and Gwen (Emily O’Brien) swept into the DiMera mansion fresh off their honeymoon.

Kristen was surprised to hear that Leo (Greg Rikaart), of all people, had put in an appearance in Iceland, and during a private pow-wow with her nephew, she wondered if perhaps there was something real between the two lovers. Dimitri huffed and puffed and insisted that there wasn’t.

That out of the way, Kristen warned Dimitri that he’d better apprise Gwen of the facts — or, at least, what would pass for the facts — because Mr. Roth was itching to get a real good look at Mr. and Mrs. Von Leuschner before handing over that very large check.

Unfortunately, when the time came for Dimitri to come clean to Gwen about the whole codicil to the Von Leuschner trust, he couldn’t do it. As he later explained to Leo (Greg Rikaart), it would actually behoove him to present Mr. Roth with a lady who very much wasn’t Gwen. To that, Leo suggested he do his best female impersonation.

Meanwhile, Kristen came upon an agitated Gwen — and who wouldn’t be agitated after shattering a crystal pitcher? — and blithely assumed she was reacting to Dimitri’s having told her everything. “Told me everything? What are you talking about?” demanded Gwen.

DAYS Recap: Make It Right

Alex (Robert Scott Wilson) swung by Chad (Billy Flynn) and Stephanie’s (Abigail Klein) place and implored the latter to take a meeting with bombastic Yuri on her lonesome. He was just too depressed to engage.

Chad, for his part, warned Alex against merely going back to his place, drawing the blinds, and wallowing in guilt. Upon hearing that Alex was nursing the hurt of never making up with Victor, Chad suggested he go smooth things over with Maggie (Suzanne Rogers). That would be the perfect way to honor Victor’s memory.

With Chad’s advice ringing in his ears, Alex made a beeline for the Kiriakis mansion, where he ran into Sonny (Zach Tinker), fresh off the plane — and fresh off a catty confab with Leo, who insisted on showing off a photo of his new lover’s torso (how else to convince Sonny that said lover was real?). The brothers hugged it out and killed some time lapping up photos of Victor from days gone by.

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Meanwhile, as Gabi (Camila Banus) put the screws to Mr. Roth, Stefan (Brandon Barash) convinced Rachel (Finley Rose Slater) to let him pick up where Gabi left off in their game of 20 Questions.

He managed to get as far as deducing that Dimitri had been having sleepovers with someone he shouldn’t be having sleepovers with — and that Gwen was none the wiser — before Kristen interrupted. Subsequently, Gabi returned home with news of her own, namely about the windfall Dimitri was soon to receive. Now, if only they could figure out the identity of the woman that Dimitri is sleeping with. (Oh, if only they knew!)