Days Recap: Is Li Shin Really Dead?

In the Days of our Lives recap for November 3, 2023, Li Shin appears to have met his maker — and by Gabi’s own hand.

Days of our Lives Recap Highlights

In addition, Stephanie learned that her ex is sticking around Salem, Chad got some solid advice from his new sister-in-law, and Eric made Sloan his wife. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what happened.

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Following their “productive but intense” session earlier that morning, Marlena (Deidre Hall) phoned Li (Remington Hoffman) to both check on him and remind him that he’s “not out of the woods yet.”

Li thanked Dr. Evans for her concerns but assured her that all was well. He has no feelings for Gabi whatsoever. Not anymore. She’s as good as dead to him — metaphorically speaking, of course (he said while twirling a butcher knife with a murderous twinkle in his eye).

Li was soon joined by a troubled Wendy (Victoria Grace), who was worried after the voicemail her brother left her. That necessitated Li relaying how Stefan (Bradon Barash) and Gabi (Camila Banus) faked her kidnapping and entrapped him and forced him to sign over his shares in DiMera Enterprises — and no, he wasn’t interested in revealing exactly what they had over him, thank-you very much.

What Li did care about, however, was how his father would react to hearing of his failure. Now he suspects Wei will swoop in and take control and ruin everything like he always does. Like the time he scared Li’s first love away. At least Li was finally able to see the direct link between that loss and his obsession with Gabi. Oh yes, Gabi, that “lying bitch” he wished nothing but pain and misery.

Speaking of Gabi, she and Stefan delighted in informing EJ (Dan Feuerriegel) that he was to be ousted from DiMera Enterprises later that day, and EJ, in turn, vowed revenge. He’ll get back on top. And when he does, he’ll make them pay dearly. “My next move will end you.”

A few hours later EJ was officially out and Stefan was the lone CEO. But, rather than celebrate with his beloved, Stefan found her crouched over Li’s bloodied body, knife in hand.

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Meanwhile, Eric (Greg Vaughan) informed Sloan (Jessica Serfaty) that he wanted to be married posthaste. And as for what brought all this on, well, they love each other, and they’re starting a family together, building a life. Isn’t that enough? And it certainly has nothing to do with Nicole (Arianne Zucker) getting hitched to EJ. No sir, no way.

In no time flat, Marlena found herself (rather reluctantly) agreeing to officiate the ceremony, Roman (Josh Taylor) and Brady (Eric Martsolf) were summoned, and Eric and Sloan were deemed husband and wife. After the two had returned home and made love, Sloan wondered if Eric was having second thoughts. (NOW she wondered?!) Nope, not at all. This was exactly where he wanted to be, and Sloan was exactly who he wanted to be with. He swears.

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Back at the DiMera mansion, Nicole cracked wise about Chad (Billy Flynn) and Stephanie (Abigail Klein) being the next to marry and learned that the two lovebirds were on the outs. Her and her big mouth!

Chad explained that Stephanie wanted a bigger commitment than he was ready and willing to give and Nicole declared that she could relate. Sure, the love of her life might still be alive, but she wasn’t sure she’d ever be able to move on. And she’s not sure that she’ll ever be able to fully let Eric go. However, she took a shot at happiness, and she’s all the better for it. Maybe Chad should do the same with Stephanie?

Days of our Lives Recap: Ex-Files

Stephanie was chagrined to run into Everett (Blake Berris) in the town square, and even more so to learn that he was staying put in Salem. Why would he want to relocate? What could a “hot shot reporter” possibly find to do in Salem? Why, serve as Editor in Chief at The Spectator, naturally.

Granted it is a bit of a step backward. But it’s a decent salary and a chance to start fresh. Unless it would make Stephanie feel a certain type of way. No, no it would not. She was happy for Everett. Really, she was.

Everett inquired as to how Chad was feeling about his presence, only to learn that his ex’s new beau was none the wiser and that the two were on the outs. Everett offered a listening ear and Stephanie took him up on it. And, of course, Chad happened upon the two in an intimate-looking embrace.