Days Recap: A Furious Xander Demands Answers From Sarah

In the Days of our Lives recap for September 26, 2023, Xander was apprised of the fact that he’s a daddy.

Days of our Lives Recap Highlights

In addition, Rex and Sarah were declared husband and wife, and Alex’s whole world was turned upside down. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what happened.

Days of our Lives Recap: Baby Blues

A floored Xander (Paul Telfer) collapsed onto his nearby bed and attempted to collect himself. Soon he bemoaned how little Sarah (Linsey Godfrey) thought of him, how she must view him as a bad person and a lowlife unworthy of being a father to their child. He groused about how his ex would rather raise Victoria Margaret to believe a lie than know the truth — the truth being that that precious little girl is his. For her part, Chloe (Nadia Bjorlin) tearfully admitted to very nearly deciding to keep the truth to herself — but she couldn’t do that to Xander. He deserved to know the truth.

So, in that same spirit, Chloe also revealed that Sarah wasn’t really in love with Rex (Kyle Lowder) and that she was only marrying him to cement the story that they were telling the world. Xander then pondered his next move. Still unsure of what do to, he turned to Chloe and asked her opinion. Should he go to the Brady Pub and cause a scene? Should he call Sarah and Rex out for the lies they told?

Chloe didn’t really have an answer — it was all up to Xander how he wanted to proceed. However, she would like him to be honest about where this leaves them. Surely this changes everything. Unless he can look her in the eyes and claim the opposite…and of course he couldn’t.

Opposite this, Kate (Lauren Koslow) got her first look at baby Victoria Margaret and became one of the last to know that Rex and Sarah intended to get married right then and right there. And who would officiate but Rex’s kidder of a brother, Philip (John-Paul Lavoisier)?

The makeshift ceremony proceeded with Sarah looking like she’d rather be hurling into a toilet than saying “I do” but she said it. And no sooner had Philip declared Rex and Sarah husband and wife than Xander arrived to lay claim to his child. While Kate, Philip, and Rex protested mightily, Sarah caved and admitted that Xander was correct that Victoria Margaret was his daughter. Philip later left to check up on Chloe.

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Having decided to take her leave of Justin (Wally Kurth) and Alex (Robert Scott Wilson), it remained for Maggie (Suzanne Rogers) to inform a frazzled Bonnie (Judi Evans) that Alex was actually Victor’s biological son and, as such, stood to inherit 50% of the Kiriakis estate.

Despite her mercenary side momentarily kicking in, Bonnie was able to stifle and insist on being by Justin’s side in his time of mourning. Maggie, at first, balked at the idea of informing Bonnie of the men’s location — but when Bonnie wondered what Maggie would do in her situation, Maggie relayed that father and son *ahem* make that the cousins were at the Horton house.

DOOL Recap: Paternity Pickle

Meanwhile, Justin stunned Alex with the truth about his parentage…not that it made one bit of difference to Justin. As far as he was concerned, he was still Alex’s dad in every way that counted. Alex, on the other hand, was devastated by the revelation, knocked for a total loop.

Through tear-stained eyes, Alex said that everything he’d been led to believe was a lie and how he’d just been robbed of the hope that he was a good person deep down inside since he didn’t actually share DNA with Justin — the honorable, honest, and kind Kiriakis. With little other recourse, Justin could but honor Alex’s wish to be left alone to stew, and weep, over the news.