Days Prediction: Melinda Trask Is Pregnant With Li’S Child

Days of our Lives wants us to think Melinda Trask felt a real connection to Li — despite that whole wanting to trick him into incriminating himself so she could throw him in jail thing. They did sleep together a few times. So will that brief connection turn into a lifelong commitment…if Melinda is pregnant with Li’s child?

Smartest Guys in the Room

Melinda (Tina Huang) and Li (Remington Hoffman) may have both made some dumb decisions and done some dumb things, but they both strike us as smart about one thing: Birth control. Melinda already had a baby as a teenager whom she gave up then lost, and we’re pretty sure Li had plenty of gold-diggers trying to trick him into marriage over the years. This is the perfect recipe for both of them knowing where babies come from…and taking the appropriate steps to prevent that.

F is for Fake

Of course, that’s not to say, Melinda wouldn’t fake a pregnancy in order to get her hands on Li’s money. She’s out of a job, after all. Sloan (Jessica Serfaty) can’t be paying her that much. And a nice payday from Li’s daddy would come in handy right now. Heck, she’s in the process of getting a baby for Sloan. Why not rustle up one for herself to keep the con going? And, if not, there’s always the miscarriage…after the check clears.

Melinda Trask: Keep It Going

Then again, a pregnancy would give Melinda something to do other than being yelled at by Paulina (Jackee Harry), scheming with Sloan, or being the town pariah due to her insistence on prosecuting guilty people. Wendy (Victoria Grace) would be delighted to be an aunt, and they could form a united front against Li’s dad. If we’re supposed to care about Melinda, it would be nice if we got to know her better.

Days of our Lives airs weekdays on Peacock+ in the U.S. and The W Network or Global TV App in Canada. For more about what’s coming up in Salem, check out all the latest DAYS spoilers, and for an in-depth look at the show’s history.