Days Of Our Lives Spoilers September 19: Connie’S Delusions Escalate, Gabi And Melinda In Danger

Days of our Lives spoilers for Thursday, September 19, indicate that Connie is losing her grip on reality — even more than before — as she becomes convinced that I told her to end Gabi and Melinda once and for all.

Get Off of My Runway

Connie (Julie Dove) blames Gabi (Cherie Jimenez) and Melina (Tina Huang) for Li’s (Remington Hoffman) death. Well, she blames Gabi for Li’s death and Melinda for getting in the way of her seeking revenge on Gabi.

Connie told Melinda a lot while she was tied up to her bed. Melinda tried to protect Gabi and talk Connie out of getting down and stabby. It didn’t work. Connie really wants to stab someone. Starting with Melinda and Gabi.

Doesn’t Pass the Smell Test

Kristen (Stacy Haiduk) is not a very trusting person. Considering that she’s always lying, scheming, and has a million agendas, she figures everyone else is, too. Every once in a while, she’s right. Kristen doesn’t trust Fauxbigail (AnnaLynne McCord — find out more), and we know she’s right.

But will she be able to convince Chad (Billy Flynn)? That’s a risk Fauxbigail and Mark (Jonah Robinson) are always on the lookout for. Good thing they have a plan to deal with it. But do they have a plan for Steve (Stephen Nichols) to cross-examine Clyde (James Read)? Because that’s about to happen, too.

Couple Hood

Stefan (Brandon Barash) is mad at Gabi (he and Connie should form a club). He’s decided their marriage isn’t worth saving and is ready to move on. Ava (Tamara Braun) would be the obvious choice. After all, his sleeping with her is what made Gabi so vindictive towards him in the first place. But that’s not going to happen if Stefan keeps insulting the woman. Like he accidentally does nearly every time he opens his mouth.